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Female Nancy Anerliza Bradberry Click to view Nancy Anerliza Bradberry in the family tree

Nancy Anerliza was born on April 10th, 1851.1   Nancy Anerliza's father was ROBERT SAMPLE , SR BRADBERRY and her mother was BETSY : MARY ELIZABETH FORD.  Her paternal grandfather was Richard , Jr. Bradberry and her paternal grandmother is Martha Unknown. She had five brothers and four sisters, and also a sibling of unknown gender, named Josiah Henry (Union), James Richard, John Wesley Sr., George Washington, Robert Sample "Little Bob" , Jr, MARY CATHERINE, Lizzie : Elizabeth Frances, Judianne America "Juda & Judith Ann", Martha Ellen and Twin.  She was the third oldest of the eleven children.  She died at the age of 1 on October 18th, 1852.1 

1 Westbrook.FTW

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