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Male Orville Raymond Baird Click to view Orville Raymond Baird in the family tree

Orville Raymond was born on March 30th, 1900 in St. Paul,Decatur Co.,Indiana.  Orville Raymond's father was Henry Hudson Beard and his mother was Pearl May Terrell.  His paternal grandparents were John Wesley Beard and Eliza Jane Stone. He had three brothers and six sisters, named Roy Delbert, Russell Dale, Paul Hubert, Grace Ethel, Cecile Fay, Era Frances, Betty May, Bernice Ruth and Georgia Merel.  He died at the age of 91 in 1991 in Bloomington,Monroe Co.,Indiana.  He was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery,Bloomington,Indiana.

Orville Raymond's family with Maary Alice Stoute

‌Orville Raymond and Maary Alice were married in a religious ceremony on June 22nd, 1921 in Bloomington,Monroe Co.,Indiana.  They had two daughters named Marjorie Alice and Mary Lou.

Source/Citation, Snider-Snyder Descent;Morrison;&Smalley-Oxley-Sterns families, Lelah Achey,

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