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Female Grace Ethel Baird Click to view Grace Ethel Baird in the family tree

Grace Ethel was born on March 24th, 1893 in Harris City,Indiana.  Grace Ethel's father was Henry Hudson Beard and her mother was Pearl May Terrell.  Her paternal grandparents were John Wesley Beard and Eliza Jane Stone. She had four brothers and five sisters, named Roy Delbert, Orville Raymond, Russell Dale, Paul Hubert, Cecile Fay, Era Frances, Betty May, Bernice Ruth and Georgia Merel.  She died at the age of 85 on January 27th, 1979 in Michellville,Iowa.  She was buried in Michellville,Iowa.

Grace Ethel's family with Murry Radcliffe Sanburn

‌Grace Ethel and Murry Radcliffe were married in a religious ceremony on September 7th, 1911.  They had a son and a daughter, named William Henry and Dorothy Pearl.

Source/Citation, Snider-Snyder Descent;Morrison;&Smalley-Oxley-Sterns families, Lelah Achey,

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