- b.< 1190 d.> 1235 in Cobham, Kent, England

- b.~ 1235 in Cobham, Kent, England d.1300

- b.~ 1265 d.> 1295 in Orkesden, Kent, England

- b.Bet 1230 and 1237 d.> 1277

- b.~ 1295 d.05 Oct 1361

- b.< 1255 d.> 1269

- b.~ 1269 d.> 1295

- b.1348 d.06 Jul 1403

- b.Bet 1232 and 1245 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England d.23 Jul 1321

- b.Apr 1271 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England d.31 May 1326 in Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England

- b.~ 1252 in Ilfracombe, Cornwall d.19 Mar 1308/09

- b.Bet 1292 and 1296 in Berkeley Castle, SW of Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England d.27 Oct 1361 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England

- b.< 1238 in Haryngworth, Northamptonshire, England d.<25 Jun 1279

- b.Bet 1279 and 1281 in Harringworth, Northampton, England d.05 Dec 1314

- b.1250 in Calne, Wiltshire, England d.Abt 7 Jan 1298/99 in Harringworth, Northampton, England

- b.> 1320 d.02 Oct 1369

- b.Bet 1252 and 1261 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England d.17 Jul 1304 in Welsh Wars

- b.1287 in Netherwood, Thornbury, Hereford, England d.29 Nov 1330 in Elms, Tyburn, Warwick, England

- b.Bet 1262 and 1270 d.7 Feb 1333/34 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, England

- b.> 1306 d.05 May 1337

- b.Bet 1244 and 1256 in Dublin, Leinster, Ireland d.~Jun 1292 in Lusignan, Vienne, France

- b.2 Feb 1285/86 in Ludlow Castle, Ludlow, Shrophire, England d.13 Oct 1356

- b.~ 1262 d.~Sep 1322
- b.1381 d.> 1440 in Sterborough, Surrey, England

- b.< 1256 d.Bef 28 Feb 1295/96

- b.1266 d.05 Jul 1344

- b.~ 1290 d.16 Feb 1363/64

- b.< 1289

- b.~ 1315 in England d.22 Jan 1348/49 in England

- b.Bet 1232 and 1245 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England d.23 Jul 1321

- b.Apr 1271 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England d.31 May 1326 in Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England

- b.~ 1252 in Ilfracombe, Cornwall d.19 Mar 1308/09

- b.Bet 1293 and 1294 in Woolcombe, Dorsetshire, England d.> 1322

- b.< 1238 in Haryngworth, Northamptonshire, England d.<25 Jun 1279

- b.Bet 1279 and 1281 in Harringworth, Northampton, England d.05 Dec 1314

- b.1250 in Calne, Wiltshire, England d.Abt 7 Jan 1298/99 in Harringworth, Northampton, England

- b.1345 in England d.10 Jan 1404/05 in England

- b.< 1330 d.<Oct 1375