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Male John Asberry Gatten Click to view John Asberry Gatten in the family tree

John Asberry was born in 1854 in Goshen Township, Belmont Co., Ohio.  John Asberry's father was Charles Gatton and his mother is Sarah Lamp.  His paternal grandparents were Charles Gatton and Mary Stuller; his maternal grandfather is George Lamp. He had five brothers and three sisters, named George W., William Henry, Thomas Alexander, Joshua, Charles, Rosannah, Mary J. and Eliza Jane.  He was the second youngest of the nine children. He had a half-brother and a half-sister, named James Henry and Mary Elizabeth.  He died at the age of 29 on December 23rd, 1883.

John Asberry's family with Julie Marie Crowe

‌John Asberry and Julie Marie were married in a religious ceremony on December 24th, 1874.

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