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Male Richard Louis Zike Click to view Richard Louis Zike in the family tree

Richard Louis was born on February 10th, 1901 in Ranchester, Wyoming.  Richard Louis' father was Clarence Freeman Zike and his mother was Georgiana Farmer.  His paternal grandparents were James Thomas Zike and Malinda Baker. He had a brother and two sisters, named Arthur F., Wanda and Wyoma. He had a half-brother and a half-sister, and also a half-sibling of unknown gender, named Clifford, Mabel and ?.  He died at the age of 45 on June 26th, 1946.

Richard Louis' family with Kathleen Margaret Reeman

‌Richard Louis and Kathleen Margaret were married in a religious ceremony on February 26th, 1924 in Eaton, Colorado.  They had a daughter named Bonnie Lou.

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