James was an educated man, as indicated by the fact that he signed various documents throughout his life. When he died he had many slaves and extensive land holdings, perhaps as much as 7000 acres or more.
Note: James Sims, son of Thomas & Rebecca Petty Sims, b abt 1728 inVirginia (Richmond or Spotsylvania County), and the family livedsubsequently in Orange & Culpeper Counties in Va. He marriedElizabeth Nalle, dau of Jaohn Nalle.
John Nalle, son of Martin, was in Spotsylvania County Va. by1734 when he sold to Thomas Burke of Essex (Martin Nalle Sr.refers in his will in Essex County, Va 5- pg 271 to "cousinThomas Burke") Parish of Southfarnum, 165 Acres, part of 300Acres purchased by Nary Nalle of Richard Kemp in 1705 + 10 Acresgiven to John by his father Martin...."except burying placewhere Martin Nalle & wf lie buried" + 155 Acres purchased byRichard Kemp of Middlesex County & later purch. of Martin Nallewho bequeathed it to his son John. John's will written 16September 1780 & probated in Culpeper County Va 19 Aug 1782mentions amongst his legatees sons Richard, John, Wm, Francis,James & daus Agatha Hill, May Sims, Elizabeth Sims (the wife ofJames Sims), Griessel Parker & Annie Morris.
Essex County, Va DB D20- pg 88, D17- pg108, D23- pg 215,Culpeper County, Va WB B- pg519.
The name James Sims, as well as William & John Sims, is of suchfrequent occurrence in not only the early records of Virginia,but also those of several surrounding states that it is oftendifficult - sometimes impossible with the records available - todetermine which one belongs to a given family. This James Simsis one whose identity, although not clear throughout, has enoughfacts to make a fairly complete outline of his family. Morematerial on some other James Sims will be presented later.
1789 Tax Lists Culpeper County Va, there are three commissionerslists available:
Daniel Brown list: March 7 James Simes with 2 white males 16=; 6black males 16+; 0 blacks -16; 6 horses. Other Sims on the samelist were: Jeremiah, Thos Jr, Richard, Abner, Thos Jr, Reubin &Wm Sims.
John Gibbs list: no James Sims, but William Sims & your son;George & Eliab Delaney; Edward & Jeremiah Sims.
Aaron Lane list: May 13 Simes, James (Mr D Hennings overseer)1-0-0-1.
In 1791 Daniel Brown list: Mar 28 Sims, James, Wm & James3-6-2-9. Others on same list: Mar 21 Sims, Jeremiah & FrancisWillis 2-0-0-1: Mar 21 Sims, Thomas Jr 1-0-0-1; April 18 Sims,James 1-0-0-1; March 27 Sims, Thos & sons 3-0-0-2; William1-0-1-2; Reubin 1-0-0-1; Richard 1-1-0-2. Aaron Lane list, noSims. List # 3 - Simms, George 1-0-1-3 (Mar 21); Simms, Wm & son2-1-0-4 (March 23 ); Sims, Jeremiah 1-0-0-1 (March 23) ; Simms,Edward 1-1-1-2 (April 18) ; Simms, James 1-1-0-3 (May 26).
Culpeper County Virginia Deeds showing some of James Sims'holdings:
E- pg 738: Oct 19, 1769 James Sims purchased from Thomas Pitcher& wf Susannah 88 Acres..."to white oak in the head of abranch".... in the old line & from thence to thebeginning....with houses, etc. No wits.
F-28: Dec 21 1769 James Sims from Joseph James & wf Mary 95Acres adj tract purch of Thos Pitcher...E side Main road...toRoman Lotts line...to wh oak in a branch corner to sd Pitcher'sland. No wits.
H- 542: Oct 20 1777 James Sims from Wm Rowman & wf Mary &Abraham Rowman an est. 143 Acres corner Abr Rowman on W side ofThornton's road...down several courses & crossing sdRoad...thence with sd Sims line....to Daniel Feild's line...pineof N side of Bloodworths Road...corner to Tucker...corner to AbrRowman then with sd Roman's line to beginning. (Signed) WilliamRowman, Mary Rowman. No wits.
N- 408: Oct 16, 1786 Moses Broyles & wf Barbary to James Sims 93Acres Brumfield Parish....up Bludworth's road...S to white oak &maple standing on a run...on sd run by Sims old church road..Nowits.
R-10 Nov 17, 1792 Chas Holdway & wf Mary, Benjamin Dulaney & wfJudith & Bridget Holdway to James Sims Senr 111 Acres BrumPar...Beg. at two pines near the plantation...in Rattle Snakebranch...N side of mtn..corner to Delany...on Thornton road...inLong's line & corner to roman. Thence with Long's line to thebeginning. Wits: H Hill, William Sims, Abraham Rowman, FrenchStrother.
R- 413 Oct 21, 1793. Abraham Rowman & wf Gilley to James Sims,est. 60 1/2 Acres...N side of Thorn's road & corner with JamesSims....with Tucker's line...sd Roberts line...in Moses Tucker'sline....lines of Sims...down road to begining. Wits: EdwardSims, Wm Sims.
R-474 Dec 14, 1792 Thos Gaines & wf Peggy to James Sims Senr twotracts in Culp: 1) 56 Acres beg. oak N side of Tenants oldchurch road in Moses Broyles line & corner to Henry Hill...withold Road & sd Hill line...crossing a branch of Crooked run...toAlexander Numan in Fields old pattent line...corner to GeoSims...with Sims line to maple S side Stone run & corner withJames Sims & Moses Broyles...with Broyles line to beginning; 2)Beg. two pines in Col. Beverly line & corner with Roberts...withBeverly line...corner to George Sims...corner Geo Sims in JamesSims line...in Roberts line...to beg. 44 1/2 Acres. Wits: JamesSlaughter, Rowse Fry, Edmd Gaines.
Will of James Sims Feb 18, 1802; Oct 18, 1802 Culpeper County,Va. :
"In the name of God, Amen. I James Sims of Culpeper County andState of Virginia do make this my Last Will and Testament.
I lend to my Dear Wife Betty Sims during her natural life mytract of Land in Madison County which purchased of WilliamTaylor and is adjoining the Land of Beverly and Robertts andGeorge Sims. I also lend to my said wife during her natural lifetwo slaves called and known by the Names of Jacob and Poll. Ialso lend my said wife one third part of my personal Estate(other than slaves) and allow her to take her choice accordingto appraisment and at the death of my wife, I give and bequeaththe Land Slaves and personal estate herein lent to be equallydivided between all my children.
In case one or more of my children should depart this Lifebefore my wife and if such child or children should leave issuein such case my will and desire is that such issue should havethe part that their parents would have been entitled to, but ifone or more of the children should depart this life before mywife without issue then such child or children part shall bedivided between my other children or their Legal Representatives- Whereas I have formerly given to my Son Martin Simms a smallmale slave called George and to my Daughter Salley Jones Simms asmall male slave called Gidion and a doubt may arise whether alegal title is vested in my said son & daughter of the saidslaves to prevent any doubt concerning the title of the saidslaves, I hereby give and bequeath to my said son Martin Simmsand his heirs and assigns forever the said slave called Georgeand also give and bequeath ti my said daughter Salley JonesSimms her heirs and assigns forever, Gidion, the slaveaforementioned.
In case I should depart this life before I build a dwellinghouse on the landwhich I have herein lent to my wife, in thatcase my Executors hereafter named and hereby...and required tobuild for my wife a dwelling house and other necessaryouthouses, I give and Bequeath to my Executors, hereafter named,in trust for the benefit for my daughter, Nancy Wilhitt and herchildren, one-tenth part of my estate not before directed and dohereby require my said Executors or the survivors of them toapply the profit of the same in the support and maintenance ofmy said daughter and her children she now has or may have duringthe life of my said daughter and at the death of my daughter, Igive and Bequeath the same to be equally divided between thechildren of my said daughter which she now has or may have butin case any other children should depart this life before theirmother and such children should have issue, in that case theissue of such children shall have the part their parents wouldhave been entitled to.
I give and Bequeath to my other nine children the remainder ofmy estate, both real and personal to be equally divided betweenthem in the followung manner that my Executors, hereafter named,shall divide my estate in an equal manner as possible and thendetermine by Lott the particular part of each child and that myExecutors shall cause the same to be publicly divided and thenreturn an account thereof to Court to be recorded and I dohereby give each of my said children the part so allotted tothem to their heirs and assigns forever provided neverthelessthat any child to whom I have acknowledged land such landexclusive of the improvements and any of my children who aresettled on my lands shall have their part of my land laid off insuch manner as to include the prt which they at present possess.
I do nominate and appoint my two sons George Sims and EdwardSimms, executors of this my last Will and Testament in Witnesshere of I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal thiseighteenth day of February, One thousand and eight hundred andtwo.
(Signed) James Sims (S.S.)
Sealed and Published as his Last Will and Testament in theprescence of
Benjamin Leavell
Edmund Willis
John Walker
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 18th day of October1802."
Culpeper County VA WB F- pg 283. Report of Edward Sims Excr ofJames Sims Sr. est:
9/18/1803 By cash paid selected items
By cash paid Martin Sims as overseer 9/1-
" Joseph Roberts as legatee 5/3/6
" Retained in my hands as balance
of legacy due Amy Sims orphan
Wm Sims
" Betty Sims for her part tob. 7/15/3
" Charles Major on legacy in part 9/4/-
" Sally J. Sims on do (ditto) 22/4/-
By cash paid
" James G. Jones as legatee 28/16/8
" Edward Sims as legatee 7/16/- = 6/ - / -
" Joseph Roberts as do 28/18/6
" Charles Major as do 16/16/1 3/4
The inventory was filed in the James Sims est. Jan 17, 1803 (D-pg 412).
Final settlement of accts. of excrs George Sims & Edward Simmsof Est. of Jas. Sims, dec'd - Oct 2, 1811.
1810 Census Madison County Va : Sims, Betty 45= ; 1 F 16-26; 5slaves
Betty Sims was listed in the 1806 Personal Tax List of CulpeperCo., Va; 1811 land tax list of Culpeper: 61 Acres & PPTL, 2negroe tithes, 3 horses.