Moved to Spotsylvania Co., VA in 1733. His will was written the day his wife, Rebecca died. His will names his children.
Note: Other Kanawha County, West Virginia records published in theWest Virginia History magazines in articles by William H.McGinnis: "Several of the Sims-Simms families that settled inthe present counties of Kanawha, Putnam, Fayette, Nicholas,Lewis, Roane. Mason & Cabell, West Virginia came from CulpeperCounty, Virginia where Thomas Sims Sr. and his wife, Rebeccawere living when that county was formed in 1748." "In 1833William R. Woods & wife transferred to Henry Sims of CulpeperCounty 2, 076 acres in Kanawha County (now Putnam), adjoiningthe Craik grant and including the site of Scary, where Union andConfederate forces first clashed in the Kanawha Valley in theWar between the States. Henry Sims and his wife, Margaret"Peggy" Marshall, who according to family tradition was relatedto Chief Justice John Marshall, had apparently settled on thattract some years earlier, as he is credited in Hardesty's"History of Putnam County" formed from Kanawha, Mason & Cabell,with having established the first grist mill in what laterbecame Putnam County near Scary about 1820."
Thomas Sims will written 21 April 1784: Item 8 - "I do give &bequeath Ann Graves....and all that befell to her by Division toher and her heirs lawfully Begotten forever."
Thomas Sims was under the age of twenty when his father wrotehis will April 1716. Following his father's death in the summerof 1716, Thomas was granted 112 A. "in Parish of Sittenbourne,County of Richmond, bounded by land of Doyle Matthew Bean andland of Wm Sims deceased, purchased from sd Doyle....also byBakers land...dated 17 Dec 1717.".......Va Land grants (UpperNeck) 1713-1719,
Bk 5-234.
He married Rebecca Petty (Patty, Paty) dau of Thomas & CatherineGarten-Petty, also of Richmond County, before 30 Nov 1725, foron that date Thos. Sims of Sittenbourne Parish in that County,and his wife Rebecca sold 112 A., "part of patent granted toThos Hobson dec'd - Escheated by the Guardians of ye afore namedThomas Sims" Land of Doyle and along the line of Wm simsdec'd....past Matthew Alvin Mothershead of parishand county afsd. Dec 1725 for 6000 lbs tobacco. (Signed) ThosSims, Rbecca (X) Sims. ........Richmond Co., Va DB 8-303, 4.
Thomas Patty and Catherine his wife, one of the daughters ofJohn Garten, deceased, complained against Robert Post & Anna hiswife administrators of John Hughes, excr of John Garten, in aplea that they render unto the plaintiffs the sum of seventeenhundred and fifty-two pounds of tobacco showing that John Gartenlate of this county, deceased, in his late Will & Testamentdated ye 17th of June 1698 gave & bequeathed his wife and fivechildren Richard, John, Mathew, Catherine and Ruth, one half ofall his estate equally to be divided amongst them, which estatebeing appraised amounted to 17, 504 pounds of tobacco, theone-half of which is 8,752 and Richard, one of the childrenbeing dead, the said 8,752 pounds of tobacco being equallydivided between the widow and four children - equal partamounting to 1,782 fifths pounds of tobacco for which the saidplaintiffs brought suit and demand judgement with costs...........Richmond County Order Book#3-, p79 & John Garten 1721Inventory, Will Book same county.
Their final land sale in Richmond County was made 4 March 1733when Thos Sims od Lunenburg Parish, Richmond County sold toWilliam Jordan of same parish and county for 60 lbs currentmoney of Virginia 100 A. of land in parish and county afsd"which sd one hundred acre of Land be the same more or lessWilliam Sims Father of the said Thomas Late of the Countyaforesd Dec'd formerly Purchased of John Doyle & by his lastWill and Testament among Sundry other Legacies gave & Devised tohis sd Son Thomas by the said Will (bearing date the twentyeighth day of Apr one thousand seven hundred &Sixteen).....(Signed) Thos Sims. Wit: Alvin Mountjoy, JohnNaylor, Edd Collinsworth. Recorded the same day............Richmond Co., Va DB8-679.
This sale apparently was in preparation for Thomas and RebeccaSims removal to a tract on the Rapidan River then inSpotsylvannia County, for the lease of land by AlexanderSpotswood to Thomas and Rebecca Sims 23 Oct 1734 stated thatthey already had been settled one year on the tract, which wason the south side of the river. The terms leased to Thomas Sims,planter, 108 acres in St. Mark's parish, Spotsylvannia County,part of 40,000 acres granted to Spotswood, called the SpotswoodTract, and excepted minerals and quarries. The lease was to "ThoSims and his assignees for & during the natural lives ofRebecca, the wife, and Thomas ye son of Thomas, Senior, forduring the natural life and lives of the youngest liver of them,yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year of the first4 years....on the 25th of December, one ear of Indian corn andevery year after the expiration of the said four first years 624pounds weight of good sound marketable toptobacco.....delivering it at a convenient landing in the Countyof Spotsylvania." The terms of the lease also required them toplant within four years 300 fruit trees (one third apple trees);the orchard was to be fenced in; all buildings and fences to bekept in good repair. Thomas Sims was also to provide onelaboring hand for making the water dam or race of any grist millwhich Spotswood, his heirs or assignees desired. It alsoprovided that if Rebecca or Thomas Jr. should die before 25 Dec1775 or before Thomas Sims Senior, the latter or his assignscould chose the person or persons to take their place. Date ofRecord: 5 Nov 1734. Wit: John Grame, John Pattey & William (X)Morton. Others leasing the land, the same day from Spotswood;James Jones Sr., Thomas and James Jones, sons (200 acres),Thomas Pettey, wf Katherine and son Christopher (100 acres),William, Jeremiah and Elijah Morton (200 acres), all on thesouth side of Rapidan river, and John Petty, wf Rebecca and sonThomas (100 acres) on N. side of Rapidan River........Spotsylvania Co., Va DB C-(1734-1742). Crozier'sSpotsylvania County Reords, pp 136,7.
Since Orange County was formed from the western part ofSpotsylvania in 1734, Thomas Sims is listed in the Orange Countytithables of 1734 with 2 white males of taxable age; in 1739, 42tithables. Orange County records show that Thomas Sims purchasedland from Timothy Johnson in 1738 and that on 26 July 1744 ThosSims and wf Rebecca of Orange County sold to Francis Williams,same county, 200 acres purchased of Johnston, bounded by land ofTimothy Johnson, John Zachary, and Barbers. ......Tiths 1739:Orange County Va Families Vol Ii Wm Brockman c 1956 p 135;Orange County Va DB 2-355, 6 & 9-184-186.
Thos Sims served on the jury Feb 1735 (1736). ......OrangeCounty Va DB 1 & 2 1735-1739 by J.F. Dorman, p 71.
Culpeper County was taken from Orange in 1748. Brumfield Parishwas cut off St. Mark's by act of assembly in 1752 and "includedwhat is now Madison & Rappahannock Counties and a small sectionof Culpeper." ....."History of St. Mark's Parish, CulpeperCounty, Virginia", by Phillip Slaughter (1877) pp 78, 80.
Culpeper deeds give the following information regarding ThomasSims:
19 Aug 1772 Timothy Holdway & wf Bridgett of Culp to ThomasSims, Sr. 105 acres adj Richard Parker's line in severalplaces.....on E side Mtn. Run. ..........D-77.
14 August 1765 John Sims planter & wf Ann to Thos Sims, all ofBromfield Parish, Cup Co 60 A in Bromfield Par, part of MichaelWilhoite's patent 1728 for 289 A.....W side of Muddy Run in AdamWayland's line. (Signed) John Sims, Ann (X) Sims Wits: JohnFlynt, James Sims, Thos. Sims Jnr.,....E-70.
Thomas Sims & wife Rebecca conveyed this same land to Wm Scottof Orange Co 18 Sept 1766, with John Flynt, Thos Sims Jun.,William (X) Clark, wits. ....... E-191.
19 Apr 1770 Richard Parker & wf Grisel to Thomas Sims 29 AcresNorth side of Mtr sd Sims old line (F-45); and the sameday Thos conveyed to Richard Parker 29 A on South side of Mtn.Run - an exchange of land, same consideration, on opposite sideof Mountain Run. (F-45,46).
5 May 1783 Thomas Sims of Culpeper deed of gift to dau Amy, wifeof Absalom Bobo, & gr dau Nancy Powell. Wit: Lewis Graves, Geo.Sims, Wm Powell. (L-288)
15 August 1783 Thomas Sims to Elijah Sims. Deed of gift. 85acres purchased from T. Holdway & obtained by swap of RichardParker except 30 acres conveyed to Richard Sims. Bounded bylands of Richard Sims, Richard Parker, Thos Sims Jr & ElijahSims party thereto & personal items except 1/2 acre Thos Simsreserves for a burying ground. Not to include any presentbuildingd. Wit: Ambrose Coleman, Rchd. Parker, Stephen Bingham...........(M-203).
Will of Thomas Sims Sr.:
"In the name of God Amen I Thomas Sims Sener of Brumfield Parishand County of Culpeper being Sick and weak in body but ofperfect mind and memory Thanks be given to God Therefore Callingto mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it isAppointed for all men once to die do make and Ordain This mylast Will and Testament that is to say Principally and first ofall I do give and Recommend my soul into the hand of theAlmighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earthto be buried in a decent Christian Burial at the Discretion ofmy Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection Ishall reieve the same again by the Mighty power of God and astouching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God tobless me in this life I give devise and Despose of the same inthe following Manner and form Imprimis.
Item first of all I do Give and bequeath and bequeath to myeldest son Thomas Sims Junr. that part of my Estate that fell tohim by division, and Likewise I do give and bequeath to my sonThomas Sims my negroe woman by name Milley and her Child to himand his heirs Lawfully begotten forever, Likewise my son ThomasSims Juner is to pay Thirty pounds in gold or silver to my sonWilliam Sims Deceased Children Six Pounds to each Child as theycome of age and other little debts comeing against me-
Item Secondly I do give and bequeath to my son James Sims mynegro man Peter and all that fell to him by Division to him andhis Heirs Lawfully begotten forever Likewise I do give andbequeath to Elizabeth Sims wife of James Sims my Gilt LookingGlass and I desire at her Death that one of her sons may haveit.
Item Thirdly I do give and bequeath to my son Elijah Sims theland he lives on The Gardon excepted and Likewise a Negro boy byname Abraham and all that fell to him by Division to him and hisheirs sons of his first wife Lawfully begotten forever-
Item Fourthly I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Amay Bobo anegro woman by name Cate, and all of her Children, and I desireif John Sims lives with Absalom Bobo and his wife untill hecomes of age they may give him one of the Negro Children if theysee proper, This Negroe woman Cate and all her Children, and allthat fell to her by Division is to her her and her heirsLawfully Begotten forever-
Item Fifthly I do give and bequeath to my two Grand DaughtersLucy and Anna Jones Daughters of my Daughter Sarah Jones deceasda Negroe Woman by name Rose and a boy named Peter and all thatpart that fell to my said daughter Sarah Jones by Division tothem and Their heirs Lawfully Begotten for Ever, This Estatethey are to recieve at the day of of Marriage or Coming toLawful age-
Item Sixthly I do give and Bequeath to my Son Zachariah Sims aNegro man by name Moses and all that fell to him by division tohim and his heirs Lawfully Begotten for ever
Item Seventhly I do give and Bequeath to my son Richard Sims aNegro woman by name Dafne, and Likewise Thirty odd Acres of Landand all that fell to him by Division to him and his heirsLawfully Begotten for Ever.
Item Eighly I do give and Bequeath Ann Graves an Negroe woman byname Winney and her Child and all that fell to her by Divisionto her and her Heirs Lawfully Begotten forever
Item Ninthly I do Desire that my Feather bed and Furtinure andwhat other things I possess may be sold to the highest bider inthe Family and the Money Rising Therefrom be Equally Dividedamongst all my Children-
And Lastly I do appoint my sons Thomas and James Sims my holeand Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament herebyRevoking all former wills and Declaring this to be my my lastwill and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand Seal This 21stday of April 1784
Thos (L.S.)
and Sealed and Declared Before us
Jas Sims Edwd Sims William Mason
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 18th day of July 1785
This last Will and Testament of Thomas Sims Decd was Exhibitedto the Court by thomas Sims one of the Exors therein named andwas proved by the Oaths of Edwd Sims & William Mason two of theWitnesses thereto & Ordered to be recorded And on the Motion ofthe said Executor Certificate is granted them for obtaining aprobate thereof in due form they having made oath thereto andgiven bond & Security according to Law Liberty being reservedfor the other Exor therin named to Qualify when he may thinkfit.
Teste: C.T. Guinn Cl.C. Cur.
In Culpeper County Circuit Court Clerk's Office.
I, C.T. Guinn, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the saidCounty aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certifythat the foregoing is a true copy of the will of Thomas SimsSenior, which was probated in this office on the 18th day ofJuly 1785, and is of record in this office in Will Book "C",page 129
Given under my hand this 23rd day of November, 1934.
Teste: C. T. Guinn, Clerk"
No evidence of the relationship of John Sims (Mentioned in thewill) to Thomas Sims Sr. has been found. However, since AnnGraves received an equal share of the estate with other childrenof Thomas, she evidently was a daughter.
Thomas Sim(m)s, son of William of Richmond Co., Virginia, wasborn abt 1702 (he was under the age of 20 when his father wrotehis will April 1716). Following his Father's death in the summerof 1716, Thomas was granted 112 Acres "in Parish of Sittenbourn,County of Richmond, bounded by land of Doyle Matthew Bean andland of Wm Sims deceased, purchased from said Doyle...also byBakers land..dated 17 Dec 1717." Virginia Land Grants (UpperNeck) 1713-1719 Bk 5-234
He married Rebecca Petty, sometimes spelled Patty or Paty,daughter of Thomas Petty & Catherine Garten, also of RichmondCounty, Virginia, before November 30, 1725, for on that dateThos Sims of Sittenbourn Parish in that County, and his wifeRebecca sold 112 Acres, "part of patent granted to Thos Hobsondec'd - Escheated by the Guardians of ye afore-named ThomasSims" Land of Doyle and along the line of Wm Simsdec'd...past Matthew Alvin Mothershead of parish andcounty afsd. Rec 1725 for 6000 lbs tobacco. (Signed) Thos Sims,Rebecca (X) Sims Richmond County, Va DB 8-303, 304.
Thomas Patty and Catherine his wife, one of the daughters ofJohn Garten deceased, complained against Robert Post & Anna hiswife, administrators of John Hughes, excr of John Garten, in aplea that they render unto the Plantiffs the sum of seventeenhundred and fifty-two pounds of tobacco showing that John Gartenlate of this county, deceased, in his late will and testamentdated ye 17th of June 1698 gave & bequeathed unto his wife &five children Richard, John Mathew, Catherine and Ruth, one halfof his estate equally to be divided amongst them, which estateappraised amounted to 17,504 pounds of tobacco, the one half isof which is 8,752 and Richard, one of the children being dead,the said 8,752 pounds of tobacco being equally divided betweenthe widow and four children - equal part amounting to 1,782fifths pounds of tobacco for which the said plaintiffs broughtsuit and demand judgement with costs. Richmond County, VirginiaOrder Book #3 p 79 & John Garten 1721 Inventory, WB, same Co.
Their final land sale in Richmond Co., Va was made March 4, 1733when Thos Sims of Lundeburg Parish, Richmond Co., Va sold toWilliam Jordan of same parish and county for 60 Lbs currentmoney of Virginia 100 Acres of land in parish and county afsd"which sd one hundred acres of Land be the same more or lessWilliam Sims Father of the said Thomas Late of the Countyaforesd Dec'd formerly purchased of John Doyle & by his lastwill & testament among Sundry other Legacies gave & Devised tohis sd Son Thomas by the said Will (bearing date the twentyeighth day of Apr one thousand seven hundred &sixteen)...(Signed)Thos Sims. Wit: Alvin Mountjoy, John Naylor,Edmond Collinsworth. Recorded the same day. Richmond County, Va.DB 8-969
This sale apparently was in preparation for Thomas and RebeccaSim' removal to the tract on Rapidan River in Spotsylvaniacounty, for the lease of land by Alexander Spotswood to Thomasand Rebecca Sims October 23, 1734 stated that they already hadbeen settled one year on the tract, which was on the south sideof the river. The terms leased to Thomas Sims, planter, 108Acres in St. Mark's parish, Spotsylvania County, Va, part of40,000 Acres granted to Spotswood, called the Spotswood Tract,and excepted minerals and quarries. The lease was to "Thos" Simsand his assignes for & during the natural lives of Rebecca, thewife, and Thomas ye son of Thomas, senior, for and during thenatural life and lives ofthe longest liver of them, yielding andpayingtherefore yearly and every year of the first fouryears..on the 25th of December, one ear of Indian corn and everyyear after the expiration of the said first years 624 poundsweight of good sound marketable top tobacco...deliveringat aconvenient landingin the county of Spotsylvania." Spots Co., VaDB C (1734-1742); see also note #1.
The terms of the lease also required them to plant within fouryears 300 fruit trees (one third apple trees); the orchard wasto be fenced in; all buildings & fences were to be kept in goodrepair. Thomas Sims was also to provide one laboring hand formaking the water dam or race of any grist mill which Spotswood,his heirs or assigns desired. It also provided that if Rebeccaor Thomas Jr should die before 25 Dec 1775 or before Thos SimsSr., the latter or his assigns could chose the person or personsto take their place. Date of record: 5 Nov 1734 Wits: JohnGrame, John Pettey, & William (X) Morton. Others leasing landthat same day from Spotswood included James Jones Sr, Thomas &James Jones, sons (200Acres), Thomas Pettey, wf Katherine andson Christopher (100 Acres), William, Jeremiah and Elijah Morton(200 Acres), all on S. side of Rapidan River, and John Petty, wfRebecca and son Thomas (100 Acres) on N. side of Rapidan River.Crozier's "Spotsylvania County Records, p 136, 7."
Since Orange County Virginia was formed from the western part ofSpotsylvania in 1734, Thomas Sims is listed in the OrangeCounty, Va tithables of 1734 with 2 white males of taxable age;in 1739, 42 tithables. Orang Co reords show that Thomas Simspurchased land from Timothy Johnson in 1738 and that on July 26,1744 Thos Sims & wf Rebecca of Orange County sold to FrancesWilliams, same county, 200 Acres purchased from Johnston (sic),bounded by land of Timothy Johnson, John Zachary, and Barbers.Tithables. 1739: Orange County Va Families Vol II Wm Brockman c1956 p 135; Orange Co., Va DB 2-355, 6 & 9-184, 186.
Culpeper County was taken from Orange County in 1748. BrumfieldParish was cut off St. Mark's parish by act of assembly in 1752and "included what is now Madison and Rappahannock Counties anda small section of Culpeper". From History of St. Mark's parish,Culpeper County, Virginia by Phillip Slaughter (1877) pp 78, 80.
Culpeper deeds give the following information regarding ThosSims; August 19, 1772 Timothy Holdway & wf Bridgett of Culp toThomas Sims Senr 105 Acres adj Richard Parker's line in severalplaces...on E side Mtn. Run. DB-77.
August 14, 1765 John Sims planter & wf Ann to Thos Sims, all ofBromfield Parish, Culp Co 60 Acres in Bromfield Par, part ofMichael Wilhoite's patent 1728 for 289 Acres...W side of MuddyRun in Adam Wayland's line. (Signed) John Sims, Ann (X) Sims.Wits; John Flynt, James Sims, Thos Sims Jnr. E-70.
Thomas Sims & wife Rebecca conveyed this same land to Wm Scottof Orange Co., September 18, 1766, with John Flynt, Thos SimsJnr., William (X) Clark, Wits. E- 191.
April 19, 1770 Richard Parker & wf Grisel to Thomas Sims 29Acres N. side of Mtn. sd Sims old line F- 45.; and thesame day Thomas conveyed to Richard parker 29 Acres on S. sideof Mtn. Run - and in exchange of land, same consideration, onopposite side of Mountain Run. F- 45, 46.
May 5, 1783 Thomas Sims of Culpeper deed of gift to dau Amy,wife of Absalom Bobo, gr dau Nancy Powell. Wit: Lewis Graves,Geo. Sims, Wm Powell. L- 288.
August 15, 1783 Thomas Sims to Elijah Sims. Deed of Gift. 85Acres purchased from T. Holdway & obtained by swap of RichardParker except 30 Acres conveyed to Richard sims. Bounded bylands of Richard Sims, Richard Parker, Thos Sims Jr & ElijahSims party thereto & personal items except 1/2 Acre Thos Simsreserves for a burying ground. Not to include any presentbuildings. Wit: Ambrose Coleman, Rchd. Parker, Stephen BinghamM- 203.
Will of Thomas Sims Sr.: "In the name of God Amen I Thomas SimsSener of Brumfield Parish and County of Culpeper being Sick andweak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given toGod Therefore Calling to mind the Mortality of my body andknowing that it is Appointed for all men once to die do make andOrdain This my last Will and Testament that is to sayPrincipally and first of all I do give and Recommend my soulinto the hand of Almighty God that gave it and my body irecommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian Burialat the Discretion of Executors nothing doubting but at theGeneral Resurrection I shall recieve the same again by theMighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estatewherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I givedevise and Dispose of the same in the following Manner and formImprimis
Item first of all I do Give and bequeath and bequeath to myeldest son Thomas Sims Junr. that part of my Estate that fell tohim by division, and Likewise I do give and bequeath to my sonThomas Sims my negroe woman by name Milley and her Child to himand his heirs Lawfully begotten forever, Likewise my son ThomasSims Juner is to pay Thirty pounds in Gold or Silver to my sonWilliam Sims Deceased Children Six Pounds to each Child as theycome of age and other little Debts comeing against me-
Item Secondly I do give and bequeath to my son James Sims mynegro man Peter and all that fell to him by division to him andhis Heirs Lawfully begotten forever Likewise I do give andbequeath to Elizabeth Sims wife of James Sims my Gilt LookingGlass and I desire at her Death that one of their sons may haveit.
Item Thirdly I do give and bequeath to my son Elijah Sims theland he lives on The Gardon excepted and Likewise a negro boy byname Abraham and all that fell to him by division ti him hisHeirs sons of his first wife Lawfuly begotten forever-
Item Fourthly I do give and Bequeath to my Daughter Amay Bobo anegro woman by name Cate, and all her Children, and I desire ifJohn Sims lives with Absalom Bobo and his wife untill he comesof age they may give him one of the Negro Children if they seeProper, This Negroe woman Cate and all her Children, and allthat fell to her by Division is to her her and her heirsLawfully Begotten forever-
Item Fifthly I do give and bequeath to my two Grand DaughtersLucy and Anna Jones Daughters of my Daughter Sarah Jonesdeceased a Negroe Woman by name Rose and a boy name Peter andall that part that fell to my Daughter Sarah Jones by Divisionto them and Their Heirs Lawfully Begotten forever, This Estatethey are to receive at the day of Marriage or coming to Lawfulage-
Item Sixthly I do give and bequeath to my son Zachariah Sims aNegro man by name Moses and all that fell to him by Division tohim and his heirs Lawfully Begotten for ever-
Item Seventhly I do give and Bequeath to my son Richard Sims aNegro woman by name Dafne, and likewise Thirty odd Acres of Landand all that fell to him by Division to him and his heirsLawfully Begotten forEver-
Item Eighly I do give and Bequeath Ann Graves an Negro woman byname Winney and her Child and all that fell to her by Divisionand her heirs Lawfully Begotten forever
Item Ninthly I do Desire that my Feather bed and Furninure andwhat other things I possess may be sold to the highest bider inthe Family and the Money Rising Therefrom be Equally Dividedamongst all my Children-
And Lastly I do appoint my sons Thomas and James Sims my holeand Sole Executors of This my last will and Testament herebyRevoking all former wills and Declaring this to be my last willand Testament. hereby Revoking all former
In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand Seal This 21stday of April 1784 Thos Sims (L.S.) and Sealed and DeclaredBefore us Jas Sims Edwd Sims William Mason
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 18th day of July 1785
This Last Will and Testament of Thomas Sims decd was Exhibitedto the Court by Thomas Sims one of the Exors therein named andwas proved by the Oaths of Edwd Sims & William Mason two of theWitnesses thereto & Ordered to be recorded And on the Motion ofthe said Executors Certificate is granted them for obtaining aprobate thereof in due form they having made oath thereto andgiven bond & Security according to Law Liberty being reservedfor the other Exor therin named to Qualify when he may think fitTeste John Jameson Cl.C. Cur.
In Culpeper County Circuit Court Clerk's Office.
I, C.T. Guinn, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the saidCounty aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certifythat the foregoing is a true copy of the will of Thomas SimsSenior, which was probated in this office on the 18th day ofJuly 1785, and is of record in Will Book "C", page 129. Givenunder my hand this 23rd day of November, 1934. Teste: C.T.Guinn, Clerk"
Thos Sims served on a jury Feb 1735 (1736). Orange Co., Va DB I& 2 1735-1739 by J.F. Dorman, p 71.