It is not known how much land William owned in Richmond Co., but from the fact that legal records refer to him as a planter indicates that he was a man of some means. Interesting tidbits from Williams life indicate that he was a friend of the court and also perhaps an enemy. In 1711 he was paid 600 lbs of tobacco by the court for finding a source of cool spring water for it. Also in 1711 he was charged with breaking Richard Clathermike out of prison and was fined 1000 lbs of tobacco. William had at least 1 boy and 2 girls.
Note: All of the information below was obtained by Lela Prewitt andentered December 19, 1996 by Pamela Hazelett-Burleson.
The earliest known Sims of this line was one William Sims, whowas living in Richmond County, Virginia, according to therecords, before 1707. William Sims and his wife, Amy witnessedthe will of Robert Clark 6 February 1707 in Richmond County,Virginia. Three days previously William Sims, planter, hadconveyed to Cornelius Edmond, carpenter, both of SittenbourneParish, Richmond Co., Virginia, 100 acres about a mile from theRappahannock River, part of a tract formerly belonging to MajorJohn Weire; consideration 4000 lbs of tobacco; John Hanson andSam'l Godwin Wits. The following day "Amy Simms wife of Wmpersonally appeared and released right of dower." ......RichmondCounty, Virginia Records - DB 4-134a, 135
1 February 1708 John Doyle sold to William Simms, both plantersof Sittenbourn Parish, for 4500 lbs tobacco 100 acres, part oftract of 500 acres purchased by Lawrence Barker of RichardWharton "between the land of the sd Simms and the dwellingplantation of the sd Lawrence Barker." Wits: Jos Belfield, Sam'lGodwin. Mary Doyle relinquished her right of Dower......RichmondCo., Virginia Records
DB 5-14,15.
William Simms "for diverse good causes & Considerations"conveyed to John Knight both of Sittenbourne Parish and RichmondCounty forty acres, the line "starting near Richmond Barber's line"...."for & during his natural lifeandafter his decease to his wife Mary Knight and after the severalldeceases of the said John and Mary....or the survivor orsurvivors of them during the term of their natural lives." Dated6 December 1710; witnessed by George ?, Jno Keley, Thos.Dickinson; and Amy wife of sd Wm Sims appeared in court same dayand relinquished her right of dower. No mention ofconsideration. ......Richmond County, Virginia Records DB 5-275.Anne, wf of John Knight, releases dower rights in DB 7-64 on 1June 1715.
6 June 1711: "Ordered that William Simms be paid by the countythe sume of 600 lbs of tobacco, it being in consideration of hisfinding good cool spring water at courts for one whole year forthe life of the justices and other persons obliged to attendthere." ........Richmond County, Virginia Records Order Book p5.
A Richmond County court record of interest five years precedingWim Sims' death: "FINES - page 94. p. 3 - At a court held 3 May1711.
present Gent. Justices
Samuel Peachey Charles Barber
Alexander Donaphew William Woodbridge
John Tarpley William Thornton
Downing, etc., fined
"George Downing, William Seale and William Sims being by orderbrought before this Court to answer to what should be objectedagainst them relating to the breaking open the Prison of thisCounty and Rich'd Clathermike making his escape from thence; onHoyton in this behalfe, and the said George Downing, WilliamSerle and William Sims being seperately examined and offeringnothing materall in barr of what was laid to their charge inthis matter are of opinion that they are guilty of the factaforesaid; It is therefore ordered that they be each fined onethousand pounds of tobacco to Our Sovereign Lady, the Queen, andthat each of them give good and sufficient security for theirgood behavior one year."
p 3, Geo. Downing with Henry Berry bound in L 10 sterling tokeep the peace
p 4, William Seale with William Berry bound as above
p 4, William Sims with Thomas Dickenson bound as above."........Orange County Virginia Families, Vol III William EverettBrockman, compiler, Minneapolis, Minnesota, c 1959, p 74 &Fleet's Richmond County Virginia - Vol 17-94.
William Simms was also a witness in 1711 to "Indenture bet. MaryClayton formerly Mary Butler of Sittenbourne Parish, RichmondCounty - binding dau. Fogg as apprentice & servant to Henry &Martha Ravenall......Fleet's Richmons Co., Va Records Vol 17-34.
Another deed of interest: William Sims of SittenbourneParish...."For and in Consideration of the Love and Affestion Ihave and bear unto my Son in Law Matthew Beane of the Parish andCounty afore'd and more...consideration 5 sh....tract of land Inow hold in sd parish and county....part of a greater parcelwhich I now hold out of a Patent formerly granted Thomas Hobsonfor 500 A. dated 26 June 1663....bounded....dividing Landwhereon Barrows Church now stands from ye Land of me the Lilley's outside line of Patent oftencalled and known by by the name of Cloathworkers line....afterhis decease to Mary now wife of ye sd Matthew during her naturallife in the like order....and if they have a child living, Igive the above mentioned land to sd child during its Naturallife at their decease....and after all their deceases of theLongest Liver of the three then I give sd Land to my Son in LawThomas Scott his heirs.....for want of heirs of his body Land toreturn to my next heirs at Law. (Signed ) William (X) Sims
Signed....1st Feb 1714/1715 in presence of Wm Browne, Thomas T.Paty. (no wife relinquished her dower) Acknowledged in Ct 2 Feb1714by William Sims & recorded.......Richmond Co., Va Wills &Inventories, 1709-1717, p 279. Sett.: 1719, p111.
Mathew Been & Mary Lemon, license July 1710 DB #6 p 275 -Marriages Richmond Co., Va 1668-1853 by George H.S. King, 1964
Will of William Sims who died in 1716 in Richmond County,Virginia:
"In the name of God Amen, I William Sims of Sittenbourne Parishin Richmond County Planter being of perfect mind & memory &forseeing ye approach of Death, do make this my last Will andTestament, annulling all former Wills, bequeathing my Soul toGod & my Body to the Earth, and for my worldly Estate, I disposeof in manner following viz:
First I will & bequeath to my Son Thomas Sims and his heirsforever all my Lands & reall Estate lying in Richmond County;and in case my said Thomas dyes without heirs it is my Will & Iaccordingly give and bequeath ye said Lands to the Churchwardens of the Parish of Sittenburn for ye time being - theirSuccessors to be a Glebe (residence of minister) for ye saidParish to ye use of a minister of ye said Parish forever.
Secondly, I Give and bequeath to my Son Thomas, after ye payment- of my just Debts and funerall expenses, all my personal Estateof w kind or nature soever.
Thirdly I appoint & Consitute Capt. Nicholas Smith & GeorgeWhite both of ye Parish of Sittenburn my whole & Sole Executorsof this my last Will & Testament.
Fourthly It is my Will ye Capt. Smith take under his care &tuition my Son Thomas untill he come to the age of twenty years,and if ye sd Smith dye, y then my other Executor shall do yesame. In Witness whereof I have hereto affixed my Seal thistwenty eight day of April One thousand Seven hundred & Sixteen.
his hand
William (M) Sims (Seal)
& mark
Signed, Sealed and declared to be his last Will & Testament andtheir successors being first interlined. John Bagge, Will L.Jison, Edward Hinkley
This will was proved in Richmond County Court the first Day ofAugust 1716 by the Oath of Edward Hinkley one of the Witnessesthereto, and admitted to record.
Teste: M. Beckwith, Cl. of Crt." .........Richmond Co., Va Wills& Inventories, 1709-1717, p 279 Sett.: 1719, p 111
The information below was obtained by Lela Prewitt & enteredinto these notes by Pamela Hazelett-Burleson on April 9, 1997.
The earliest known Sims (also spelled Simms, Syme, Simes, Syms,Symnes, Sim & Semmes) of this line was William Sims, who wasliving in Richmond County, Virginia, according to the records,BEFORE 1707. William Sims and wife, Amy witnessed the will ofRobert Clark, February 6, 1707, in Richmond County.
Three days previously, William Sims, planter, had conveyed toCornelius Edmond, carpenter, both of Sittenbourne Parish,Richmond County, 100 Acres about a mile from the RappahannockRiver, part of a tract formerly belonging to Major John Weire;consideration 4000 lbs of tobacco; John hanson and Sam'l Godwin,wits. The following day "Amy Simms wife of Wm personallyappeared and released right of dower". Richmond County RecordsDB 4-134a, 135.
February 1, 1708 John Doyle sold to William Simms, both plantersof Sittenbourne Parish, for 4500 lbs tobacco 100 Acres, part oftract of 500 Acres purchased by Lawrence Barker of RichardWharton "between the land of the sd Simms and the dwellingplantation of sd Lawrence barker. Wits: Jos Belfield, Sam'lGodwin. Mary Doyle relinquished right of Dower. Richmond CountyRecords DB 5-14, 15.
William Simms "for diverse good causes & Considerations"conveyed to John knight both of Sittenburne parish and RichmondCounty forty Acres, the line "starting near Barber's line"...."for & during his naturallife and after his decease to his wife Mary Knight and after theseverall deceases of the said John & Mary for and during thenaturall life of William Knight son of said John and Mary....orthe survivor or survivors of them during the term of theirnaturall lives." Dated December 6, 1710; witnessed by George ?,Jno Kelley, Thos. Dickinson; and Amy wife of sd Wm Sims appearedin court same day and relinquished her right of dower. Nomention of consideration.
Richmond Co., Records DB 5--275 Anne wf of John Knight, releasesdowers rights in deed (7-64). June 1, 1715 in Richmond Co., Va.
June 6, 1711: "Ordered that William Simms be paid by the countythe sume of 600 pounds of tobacco, it being in consideration ofhis finding good cool spring water at courts for one whole yearfor the life of the justices and other persons obliged to attendthere."
Richmond County, Order Book p 5.
A Richmond County court record of interest five years precedingWm. Simms death:
"Fines - page 94. p. 3 - At a Court held 3 May, 1711.
Samuel Peachey Charles Barber)
Alexander Donaphew William Woodbridge) Gent. Justices
John Tarpley William Thornton)
Downing, etc., fined
"George Downing, William Seale and William Sims being by orderbrought before this Court to answer to what should be objectedagainst them relating to the breaking open the Prison of thisCounty and Rich'd Clathermiks making his escape from thence; onHoyton in this behalfe, and the said George Downing, WilliamSerle and William Sims being seperately examined and offeringnothing materall in barr of what was laid to their charge inthis matter are of opinion that they are guilty of the factaforesaid; It is therefore ordered that they be each of themfined one thousand pounds of tobacco to Our Sovereign Lady, theQueen, and that each of them give good and sufficent securityfor their good behavior one year.
p 3, Geo. Downing with Henry Berry bound in L 10 sterling tokeep the peace
p 4, William Searle with William Berry bound as above
p 4, William Sims with Thomas Dickenson bound as above."
"Orange County Virginia Families, Vol III William EverettBrockman, compiler, Minneapolis, Minn. c 1959, p 74" & Fleet'sRichmond County Virginia - Vol 17-94.
William Simms was also a witness in 1711 to "Indenture bet. MaryClayton formerly Mary Butler of Sittenbourne parish, Richmondcounty, - binding dau. Fogg as apprentice & servant to Henry &Martha Ravenall...."
Fleet's Richmond co Va Records Vol 17-34.
Another deed of interest: William Sims of SittenburnParish...."For and in Consideration of the Love and affection Ihave and bear unto my Son in Law Matthew Beane of the Parish andCounty aforesd and more...consideration 5 sh...tract of land Inow hold in sd parish and county...part of a greater parcelwhich I now hold out of a Patent formerly granted Thomas Hobsonfor 500 Acres dated 26 June 1663...bounded...dividing Landwheron Barrows Church now Stands from ye Land of me the Lilley's outside line of Patent oftencalled and known by the name Cloathworkers Line...after hisdecease to Mary now wife of ye sd Matthew during her naturallife in the like order...and if they have a child living, I givethe above mentioned land to sd child during its Naturall life attheir decease....and after all the deceases of the Longest Liverof the three then I give the land to my son in Law Thomas Scotthis heirs...for want of heirs of his body Land to return to mynext heirs at Law.
(Signed) William (X) Sims
Signed...1st Feb 1714/1715 in presence of Wm. Browne, Thomas (T)Paty. (No wife relinquished her dower) Acknowledged in Ct 2 Feb1714 by William Sims & recorded.
Richmond Co., Va Wills & Inventories, 1709-1717, p 279. Sett. :1719, p 111.
Mathew Been & Mary Lemon, License July 1710 DB 6- p 275 -Marriages Richmond Co., Va 1668-1853 by George H.S. King, 1964.