Gabriel Mather, of Radcliffe, 1627.
"In the name of God Amen. I, Gabrtell Mather of Radcliffe C° of Lancaster Yeoman beinge sicke & weake in bodie but sounde & howle in mynde thanks be to God therefore, & knowing the mortalitie of this bodie & that it is appointed unto all men once to dye, do make & ordayne this my laste will & testament in manner & forme following: firstly & chieflie I leave my soule in the hands of God the Father etc "
"And as concerninge the goodes & chattels, which it hath pleased God to blesse me withall, my will & minde is that accordinge to the custome of the province wherein I nowe dwell, the same be devyded into 3 equall partes, namely, one third parte commonlie called the deathes p'te I reserve unto myself. Another parte accordinge to the custome I leave unto my wife Elizabethe & the other Third p'te & Remaynder I give & bequeathe
unto my six children (that is to saie) unto Raphell, Zacherie, James, Abraham, Gabriell & Dorothie equallie to be devyded amongst them."
" To all my grand children i^ apeece—to all my god children the same.
" It is my mind & will that my two youngest children Gabriell &
Dorothie to wit have xx^ apeece towards their education"
" Item. I leave to my sonne Gabriell xl^ more."
" Item I leave to my sonne Zacherie iii^'."
" Item I leave to my mayde Jane Battersbie xx^"
"I doe give to my sonne James two bays of howsinge wherein he nowe dwelleth, he mayntaininge the same tenantable duringe the remainder of my lease."
" I ordayne & constitute my loveinge wife Elizabeth & my son Abraham Mather my sole Executors."
Witnesseth: Roger Hardman, James Mather.
Inventory taken "17 daie of October 1627 by Richard Partington,
Thomas Mather Edward Allen & James Mather."
[inter alia^ " Mem*^ There is a p'cell of lands which we contende to be a chattel taken by the deceased of the WorshipfuU M"^ Raphe Asshton of Middleton, contain, 21 acres for 21 yeares for 45 pounds ffyne [fine*] which did beginne the 25 March, laste paste.
Summa totalis 96'^ i^ 0*^.