Abraham (Habrham) Mather
Abraham, known as Habrham, was born about 1570 in
Radcliffe. Habrham's father was
Ralph Mather and his mother was
<unknown>. He had three brothers and a sister, named
Reynold and
Sarah. He died in 1613 in
Death Notes
Abraham Mather, of Radcliffe, 1613.
" In the name of God Amen, on the one & twentieth dale of September in the yeare of our Lord God 1613. I Abraham Mather of Radcliffe, Countie of Lancaster tanner, beinge visited by the hande of Almightie God sicke and weake in bodie, but of sound & p'fect minde for which praise be to God, make & ordayne this my last will & Testament in manner & form followinge
Firstly & chiefly I bequeathe my soule to God the Father to Jesus Christe my Redeemer through whose merrittes I trust to see a glorious resurrection & to the Holie Gost the Santifier. & my bodie to be buried in decente Christian burialle in the parish church of Radcliife. And As for the disposinge of those temporalle & worldie goods which I doe possess it is my will that they be divided in to two equalle p'tes
one parte of which I doe will & bequeath to my wyffe Jane & the other I reserve to myself to be disdosed off in manner & forme followinge.
To my Brother Reginald Mather £13 6s 8d
To Samuel Alens & his sistar Rosamund Alens to either of them 40s
To my godson Abraham Macone [Makant] 10s
To all my god children 3s 4d apeece.
To Samuel Mather his two sonnes Samuell & Christopher Mather 6^ 8 apeece.
To the poore of y^ Parish of Radclifife 40s
The house & grounde the which I rente from The Ryght worshipful Richard Assheton of Midleton I do give & assigne to my lovinge wyffe Jane."
In case of his wife's death the house & grounde to come " To Abraham Mather my nefue, which now dwelleth with me if he be come to the age of 20 yeares " in which case—" Abraham Mather my nefue to pay to the sayd Reginald Mather his unkell the summe of £6\ 13s 4d.
To Samuell Mather my brother those two closurs or closes of grounds which layeth by Ralph Undisworth's house which my Father boughte of Roger Tyldesle for ever—and the house wherein I now dwell & all the reste of my grounde to my nefue Abraham Mather." If Abraham die all to his brother Reginald.
Executrix His wife Jane Mather.
Witnesseth Reginald Mather. Abraham Mather. John Herdman.
"William Herdman. George Kyrkman.
Inventorie praised by foure honeste sufficiente men. George Kerkman W" Macon Geffre Lomax & John Herdman on the 24 Sept. 1613.
Summa Totalis £87. 18. 0.
General Notes
Abraham named his brothers Reginald and Samuel in his will. He appears not to have any children of his own. He also named a nephew Abraham.
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b.~ 1540 in Radcliffe d.1597 in Radcliffe
- b.~ 1570 in Radcliffe d.1613 in Radcliffe

Habrham and
Jane were married. There are no children.