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Male James (Jim) Judge Click to view James (Jim) Judge in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

James, known as Jim, was born in 1856 in Ireland.1  Jim's father was Thomas Judge and his mother was Fanny Elliot.  His paternal grandparents were <unknown> and <male> Judge. He had a brother named William.  He was the younger of the two known children.  He died due to Alzheimer's disease, Cerebal Softening, Cerebral Thrombosis, Arterio Sclerosis, at the age of 81 on January 15th, 1937 in Birkenhead.  He was buried in January 1937 at the Bebington Cemetery.2 

Jim's family with Ellen Ann Timmis

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Jim and Ellen were married in a religious ceremony on August 25th, 1885 in Neston by Curate Mr. Kempton.5  They had two sons and four daughters, named Tom, Willie, Annie, Nellie, Lillie and May.  There are no more children.

2 Certificate - Death
3 Certificate - Marriage
4 1911 UK Census
5 Individual - Gill Brady
6 GRO Reference
7 England & Wales BMD Index (pre 1984)
8 Individual - Mum & Dad
9 England & Wales Christening Index (1530-1906)
10 Newspaper - May Ray

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