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Male Frederick Hargreaves Click to view Frederick Hargreaves in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Frederick was born on February 2nd, 1866 in New Zealand.1  Frederick's father was William Hargreaves and his mother was Ellen White.  His paternal grandparents were James Hargreaves and Mary Slater. He had nine brothers and five sisters, named Thomas, James, George, William, Robert, Edward, John, Albert, Alfred, Martha, Mary, Sarah, Matilda and Harriet.  He was the second oldest of the fifteen known children. He had two half-brothers named James and Thomas.  He died at the age of 42 on July 9th, 1908 in New Zealand.1 

Frederick's family with Janet Walker

‌Frederick and Janet were married in a religious ceremony in 1893 in New Zealand.1  They had a son and three daughters, named William, Mary, Florence and Agnes.  There are no more children.

1 Ancestry Family Trees

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