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Male Israel Foulds Click to view Israel Foulds in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Israel was born in December 1858 in Westmorland.1  Israel's father was John (Jack) Foulds and his mother was Maria Watmuff.  His paternal grandparents were Thompson Foulds and Rebecca (Becca) Wells. He had two brothers and three sisters, named John, William, Martha, Mary and Alice.  He was the second youngest of the six children.  He died at the age of 59 in January 1918 in Bradford.2 

Israel's first family with Sarah Garnett

‌Israel and Sarah were married in a religious ceremony on March 27th, 1880 at St. Peter (Bradford Cathederal).8   They had two daughters named Maria and Mary.

Israel's second family with Hannah (Annie or Anna) Elizabeth Woodhead

‌Israel and Annie or Anna were married in a religious ceremony on May 21st, 1887 in Bradford by Curate Gu. Kendall.9  They had a son and a daughter, named Arthur and Nellie.

1 1871 UK Census
3 1881 UK Census
4 1891 UK Census
5 1901 UK Census
6 1911 UK Census
7 1861 UK Census
8 West Yorkshire Marriages & Banns (1813-1935)
9 Marriage Banns

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