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Male Johann (Henry) Henrich Rickhard Dittmer Click to view Johann (Henry) Henrich Rickhard Dittmer in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Johann, known as Henry, was born in December 1886 in Liverpool.1  Henry's father was Johann (Chris) Heinrich Christoph Dittmer and his mother was Katharina (Margaret) Margretha Magdalena Heuer.  His paternal grandparents were Johann Heinrich Dittmer and Katherina Marie Magdalene Kuhlmaun; his maternal grandparents were George Heuer and <unknown>. He had six brothers and four sisters, named George, Fred, William, Chris, John, Charles, Mary, Margaret, Lizzie and Catherine.  He was the fifth youngest of the eleven children. He had a half-brother and a half-sister, named George and Doris or Dora.  He died at the age of 52 on June 12th, 1939 in Melbourne.  He was buried in June 1939 in Melbourne.2 2 

Henry's family with Annie Boyd

‌Henry and Annie were married in a religious ceremony in 1915 in Victoria (Au).6  The family line is yet to be completed.

1 1891 UK Census
2 FindAGrave
3 1901 UK Census
4 National Maritime Museum
5 Individual - Val Hawkyard

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