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Female Anna (Mary) Marie Christina Dittmer Click to view Anna (Mary) Marie Christina Dittmer in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Anna, known as Mary, was born in June 1875 in Liverpool.1  Mary's father was Johann (Chris) Heinrich Christoph Dittmer and her mother was Katharina (Margaret) Margretha Magdalena Heuer.  Her paternal grandparents were Johann Heinrich Dittmer and Katherina Marie Magdalene Kuhlmaun; her maternal grandparents were George Heuer and <unknown>. She had seven brothers and three sisters, named George, Fred, William, Henry, Chris, John, Charles, Margaret, Lizzie and Catherine.  She was the oldest of the eleven children. She had a half-brother and a half-sister, named George and Doris or Dora.  She died at the age of 65 on May 14th, 1941 in Liverpool.  She was buried in May 1941 in Kirkdale.2 3 

1 1881 UK Census
2 Headstone - Chris & Margaret Dittmer
3 National Probate Records
4 1911 UK Census
5 1891 UK Census
6 1901 UK Census
Further source/citation:
Individual - Val Hawkyard

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