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Family Subtree Diagram : LOCKS

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? It is not very clear as yet where the various Mauds fit into this part of the tree, but this is my best estimate for now based on the names, positions near partners and ages they look like in various dated photos at family gatherings. Estimating the position of the ROGER family in the tree based on their ages and the fact they are in the wedding photo of Cyril LOCKS and Glarys VARNEY. I've put the LOCKS crest at the bottom of the tree in positions where there are males who could potentially continue the LOCKS name into the future! I've put the LOCKS crest at the bottom of the tree in positions where there are males who could potentially continue the LOCKS name into the future! I've put the LOCKS crest at the bottom of the tree in positions where there are males who could potentially continue the LOCKS name into the future! I've put the LOCKS crest at the bottom of the tree in positions where there are males who could potentially continue the LOCKS name into the future! Click on Vivien's name to go to the linked part of her tree Click on Wendy's name to go to the linked part of her tree Click on Luke's name to go to the linked part of his tree Click on Steve's name to go to his website Click on Monie's name to go to his Wikipedia page I don't know where Mabel ROWETT fits into the tree, but she is in a wedding photo with the people I've placed her next to. 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Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Marriage (three children) 24-Feb-1962 Marriage (nine children) m. 05/10/1996 Marriage (two children) m. 1992 Marriage (two children) m. 19/12/2019 Marriage (four children) m. 20-May-1931 Marriage (two children) 12-Dec-1964 Marriage (three children) m. 24.7.1965 Marriage (five children) 1-Mar-1886 Marriage (twelve children) 12-Apr-1859 Divorce (five children) m. 14-Sep-1824 Marriage (five children) Eloped at 17 years m. 27-nov-1837 Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Separation in fact (four children) m. 13-Jul-1879 Marriage (three children) m. Jun-1891 Marriage m. Oct-1919 Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) 23-Dec-1889 Marriage 25-Apr-1925 No more children Marriage 26-Jun-1948 Marriage (three children) 1-May-1912 Marriage (a child) Divorce (two children) m. 17-Aug-1941 div. 1957 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) 23-Mar-1957 Marriage (two children) 21-Dec-1895 Marriage (a child) m. 1901 Marriage (two children) 24-Jun-1914 Marriage (four children) 9-Dec-1939 Marriage (two children) 28-Jul-1973 Divorce (two children) 17-Apr-1965 Marriage (two children) 22-Jul-1944 Marriage (three children) 12-Sep-1945 Divorce (three children) m. 3-Mar-1973 Separation in fact (three children) 17-Jun-1972 Marriage (a child) 21-Dec-1968 Marriage 8-May-1976 Marriage (three children) m. 1898 Marriage (a child) m. 1921 Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) m. 1923 Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) m. 1902 Marriage (a child) Divorce (a child) m. 22-Jul-1925 div. 1937 Marriage (three children) 22-Apr-1939 Marriage (three children) 10-Sep-1966 Marriage (two children) 2-Apr-1966 Marriage (two children) 5-Sep-1970 Divorce (four children) m. 7-Jul-1926 (div.) Marriage (three children) 26-Nov-1947 Marriage (two children) 5-Jun-1963 Marriage (two children) 22-May-1971 Divorce (two children) 22-Feb-1975 Divorce (three children) 26-May-1951 Marriage 9-May-1977 Marriage (four children) 27-Jul-1960 Marriage (three children) 7-Jul-1906 Marriage (two children) m. 1903 or 1901 Marriage (a child) m. 1940 Marriage Divorce (two children) m. 1969-1979 Marriage (a child) m. 1980 Marriage (two children) m. 10-05-2003 Marriage (three children) m. 19-10-2002 Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Divorce (two children) m. 1970 Marriage (ten children) 18-May-1968 Marriage (three children) m. 1973 Marriage (two children) m. 1974 Divorce (a child) m. 1968 div. 1973 Marriage m. 1949 Marriage (four children) m. 15-aug-1992 Marriage (four children) m. 6-5-1997 Marriage (a child) m. 24-6-2000 Marriage (a child) m. 12-4-2001 Marriage (five children) m. 29-Jul-1848 Marriage (a child) m. Marriage (two children) m. Marriage (four children) m. 1909 Marriage m. 1890 Marriage m. 1889 Marriage m. Dec-1887 Marriage (two children) m. 1881 Marriage (a child) m. 8-Oct-1879 Marriage m. 1868 Marriage m. 19/8/1865 Marriage (two children) m. 23-Dec-1885 Marriage (three children) m. 3-Mar-1863 Marriage (twelve children) m. 20-8-1837 Marriage (five children) Marriage m. 1800 Marriage (six children) m. 28-Feb-1808 Marriage (a child) Marriage m. 1830 Marriage m. 25-Dec-1831 Marriage m. 17-Nov-1861 Marriage (a child) m. Marriage (a child) m. 1866 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m. Marriage (five children) m. 1886 Marriage (a child) m. 25-Oct-1868 Marriage m. 1879 Marriage (a child) m. Marriage m. 1-Feb-1819 Marriage (a child) Marriage (six children) m. 1881 Marriage (two children) m. 1882 Marriage (two children) m. 15-Apr-1962 Divorce (two children) m. 11-Aug-1984 Marriage (a child) m. 23-Dec-1967 Marriage m. 25-Feb-1974 Marriage (three children) Marriage m. 1981 Divorce (two children) m. 30-Sep-1980 Marriage (three children) m. 17/2/1979 Marriage (a child) m. 1984 Marriage (two children) m. 19-Mar-1987 Marriage m. 22-Jun-1994 Divorce (two children) m. 2-Apr-1966 div. March 1993 Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) m. 29-Mar-2003 Marriage m. 1-Aug-1992 Separation in fact (two children) 1-Jun-1995 Marriage (two children) m. 24/5/1998 Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) m. 27-09-1986 Marriage (a child) m. 10/12/1994 +Possibly more children Marriage (a child) m. 15-5-1965 Divorce (a child) m. 20-8-1988 Divorce (four children) m. 19-Apr-1980 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 24-Oct-1915 Divorce (two children) Divorce (two children) m. 30-Jun-2001 Div. July-2007 Divorce (two children) m. 27-Nov-1954 Divorce (three children) m. Apr-1998 Marriage (three children) m. Jun-1998 Divorce (two children) m. 8-Jul-1974 div. 2001 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) m. 7-Mar-1964 Divorce (four children) Cohabitation (two children) Marriage (two children) Divorce (two children) m. 9-3-1968 Marriage Marriage m. 26-8-2002 Marriage (two children) Marriage (eight children) m. 18-7-1863 Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage m. 29-1-2005 Marriage (two children) 11-May-1996 Divorce (three children) m. 23.11.1979 Cutoff / Estranged 1936 Clive John LOCKS 87 87 Born Woodford Green, Essex. 11lbs+.

Lived at St. Barnabus Road, Woodford Green until approx. 2. A 3 bedroom Semi. Then Princess Avenue, Woodford. After WW2 lived at 40, Tycehurst Hill, Loughton Essex. Both those houses were 4-bedroom detatched with nice gardens. Mostly shared rooms with one of his brothers.

1962 - ?1986 23, Harwater Draive, Loughton Essex.
?1986 - 2002 22 Baldwins Hill, Loughton

2002 Aldeburgh
1962 John Simon LOCKS 60 60 1964 Stephen (Steve) Mark LOCKS 58 58 1967 Sally Elizabeth LOCKS 56 56 Loughton Essex, London, Eye Nr. Stradbrooke 1964 Wendy FAIRWEATHER 59 59 Born Sunderland General Hospital.

Sunderland, Newcastle, Morpeth Northumberland.
1999 Amy LOCKS 24 24 Morpeth Northumberland Luke Benedict HEYDON 53 53 Matilda (Tilly) HEYDON 29 29 Tilly
Jack Prosper HEYDON 25 25 1964 Dawn Alison GUY 58 58 2000 Heather Grace LOCKS 22 22 2003 Fern Hazel LOCKS 20 20 1907 - 1984 Blanche Alice BALL 76 76 Born Chingford

Enjoyed nice clothes and the theatre, family pets, grandchildren, cooking.
1907 - 1984 Clifford Maurice LOCKS 77 77 Interests included:
Rotary club, Greyhounds, Cricket, Travel, reading and gardening
1937 Rodney Derek LOCKS 85 85 Wheathampstead.

Rodney says: "I was nearly called Guy having been born on November 5th, but I am glad I wasn't!

Rodney has written two books. The first is:
‘St Peter's Church Gustard Wood - A Living History’, written by local historian, Rodney Locks, traces the history of the church from its formation and construction in 1910. Covering its artefacts and features, people and history over 100 years, this book is beautifully written and illustrated with warmth and feeling by Rodney. who writes from personal knowledge having been a member of the congregation since 1965.

Written to commemorate St Peter’s Church centenary, we have 250 copies available for £5. If you would like a copy, please contact Keith Andrews on 01582 832267 or for home delivery, or collect a copy from the back of St Helen’s Church. Payment can be made via the card reader in church or online.

The second book Rodney has written is his life story. More details on that to follow.

Rodney is also talented as a pianist and painter.
1940 Diana Heather LOCKS 82 82 Woodford.
Detroit, Michigan, Farmington USA & Florida
1935 Suzanne Margaret LUCKE 88 88 Sue
1966 Joanna Heather LOCKS 57 57 1968 Belinda Clare LOCKS 55 55 born in Harpenden 1942 - 2014 Lawrence (Larry) Dennis CASTLEMAN 72 72 Detroit, Michigan, Farmington USA & Florida 1967 Laura Denise CASTLEMAN 56 56 Set up the women's health clinic in Vietnam.

2009 going to Nigeria.
1971 Melissa Lynn CASTLEMAN 52 52 Has interviewed:
Clint Eastwood,
Princess Michael of Kent.
Has writen for Brides Magazine, Cooking Light, Better Homes and Gardens.

Was an assistant editor at Time Out magazine New York.
Subsequently editor for Arizona Foothills.

1972 Scott Daniel CASTLEMAN 51 51 1866 - 1945 Florence (Dooney) Jessie TOMS 79 79 Islington, Leytonstone and Felpham 1864 - 1950 John (DARNEY) George LOCKS 86 86 From an email from Ian Locks:
"Two of the sons left Boston to make their fortunes.  JG to work for the Toms family, who owned a printing operation in Leytonstone and a wonderful little newspaper know as the East Wind (I have the original bound copy of the earliest editions from 1876 when the paper was founded.)

JG was a smart lad and married the boss’s daughter and so developed the East Wind into the Leytonstone Expreess and Independent.

The four sons, Monny, Leonard, Cyril and Clifford made their main contribution between the wars when they bought up local papers in London (Kensington Post, Marylebone Mercury (where I started as a reporter/photographer in 1958), Paddington Mercury, Willesden Citizen and Middlesex Independent) and the Times/Recorder series in East Essex – Southend, Laindon, Basildon, Wickford etc.  The Express and Independent meanwhile had extended from Leyton to Epping along the Central Line.

The four sons, plus Lilly, their elder sister, all had plenty of progeny so the firm become overloaded with us – and we sold out when there was a property boom in 1972.  Clogs to Clogs in three generations!

The other brother (name on Stephen’s excellent website) founded the Ilford Pictorial  that became the Greater London and Essex Newspapers (GLEN) and lasted quite a lot longer than we did.  The “blood” never seemed to be particularly good between the two dynasties.  I never quite knew why and think I only ever met the Ilford relatives once.  Strange that!

If you dig back further I am told that a generation back from the “Boston fishery Locks’s” you get to a fish and chip shop in the Mile End Road…..but that’s only what I have been told and I like the story! "

1887 - 1969 Lily Mattie LOCKS 82 82 1889 - 1965 George (Monie) Melbourne LOCKS 76 76 There is an entry in Wikipaedia for George Melbourne Locks:

George Melbourne Locks (24 May 1889 – 17 September 1965) was an English cricketer who played for Essex. He was born in Leytonstone and died in Redbridge.

Locks made two first-class appearances for Essex during the 1928 season, the first, a heavy defeat by Lancashire in which, in the only innings in which Locks played, he finished not out at the bottom of the order. Locks' second and final first-class match saw his team suffer an innings defeat at the hands of Yorkshire, in which Locks failed to put a run on the board.

Locks was a tailend batsman who picked up three wickets with the ball during his two games.
1900 - 1963 John (Leonard) Leonard LOCKS 63 63 1902 - 1999 Cyril Ellis LOCKS 96 96 Letonstone, Woodford, Angmering-on-Sea, Exmouth, Australia 1833 - 1922 Suzannah Elizabeth DAWSON 89 89 1830 - 1912 Thomas George LOCKS 82 82 Stories are told that he had a fleet of fishing smacks that were all lost at sea in a great storm, and in his Will he left all his money to the State and left nothing to his children. 1802 - 1843 Ann (Annie?) RICE 41 41 1805 - 1882 Thomas William LOCKS 76 76 Boston, Lincs 1817 - 1903 Mary Anne GLASS 86 86 Boston 1843 - 1913 William LOCKS 70 70 1856 Alexander LOCKS Fanny GOODWIN Fanny Emmeline LOCKS W DAY Emmeline DAY Florrie DAY ROGER ~1900 Leslie ROGER 1860 - 1920 Thomas William LOCKS 60 60 1861 - 1932 Annie ARNALL 71 71 She had several brothers and sisters. 1883 - 1968 Thomas George LOCKS 85 85 Born Hendon, Middlesex 1880 Annie Dawson LOCKS Born Skegness.
lived in Ramsgate Kent 
Florence (Florry) Arnall LOCKS lived in Ramsgate Kent  Emily Eliza LOCKS lived in Ramsgate Kent  1867 - 1940 Walter Alexander LOCKS 73 73 Walter wrote the books:
Epping Forest: Its History and Romance
Sea Breezes and Sunshine - An Editor's Voyage to Australia and back
A Maid in Armour: Tales of Olde Ilford
Barking Abbey in the Middle Ages

Some of these books are available to download for free as a pdf files at
(Copy and past the URL to your browser's address bar)
Lily ABBOT Felpham 1894 Doris LOCKS Hubert (Hugh) V. BURRELL 1896 Ruby LOCKS 1906 Enid LOCKS Donald HALL Janet HALL Clarence BROWNING Woodford Green 1927 Alec BROWNING 96 96 1924 Valerie BROWNING 99 99 Margaret HEAD Christopher BROWNING Lives in Loughton 1950 Jessica BROWNING 73 73 Henry CARTER Paul CARTER Simon CARTER Susan CARTER 1868 - 1936 Alfred Rice LOCKS 67 67 Wyberton, Boston, Lincs 1866 - 1948 Annie BURRELL 81 81 1890 - 1937 Thomas (Tommy) George LOCKS 46 46 In a letter from his sister Joyce, she refers to him as Tommy. 1892 - 1977 Alfred Dawson LOCKS 85 85 1896 Gladys Florence RISLEY Woodford Bridge, Essex 1902 Herbert James LOCKS Grace KNOTT 1888 - 1966 Elsie Gurtrude Finey ROSE 77 77 Sydney, Australia 1920 Joyce Yvonne LOCKS Changed children's names to MARTIN 1914 - 1975 Irene Elsie LOCKS 60 60 1912 Thomas Langdale Alfred LOCKS Margaret (Peg) MELLORS Sydney, Australia
1950 Jillian Anne LOCKS 73 73 Sydney, Australia Alexander BARRETT 1942 - 2002 Wendy Anne BARRETT (later MARTIN) 60 60 Christopher BOWYER Sydney, Australia Robert MARTIN Sydney, Australia 1869 - 1950 Frank Rice LOCKS 80 80 1870 - 1940 Ethel Dagman GREEVES 69 69 1900 - 1974 Winifred (Kathleen) Kathleen LOCKS 74 74 Leytonstone & Loughton 1905 - 1988 Ethel (Biddy) Maud LOCKS 83 83 Leytonstone & Loughton 1876 - 1959 Harold Arthur LOCKS 83 83 Memories from Terry Locks:
"My recollection of my grandfather Harold Arthur Locks, during the late forties and early fifties, is of a very stern victorian type gentleman living at the spledidly named property 'The Duchy' at Hadleigh in Essex.  He always wore a very smart, but dated, Harris Tweed Suit and never went out without wearing his Homberg Hat, even in the garden.  The Duchy was an old house set in large gardens with several fruit trees.  The garage was known as the Coach House and I presume that in earlier years it housed a horse and carriage. It was definitely big enough.  Unfortunately, the Duchy has also been demolished and now forms part of a road improvement.

Just like JG, grandfather reigned supreme sitting in his large fireside chair and when as a family we visited we all had designated places to sit.  The house was quite large, even had its own Billiard Room.  However, one was never allowed to roam around the house on their own.  It was a special treat to be accompanied into the Billiard Room, never to play of course.  Out in the garden we were allowed to play on our own, but on strict instructions not to pick the apples and walnuts from the trees, but allowed to collect the windfalls, not to keep of course, but to take in to HA for storage.

For the few years that I knew HA, he worked, before retirement, for the Southend Times, I think selling advertising space, and before that he use to travel all over the country selling space in Town Street Directories.

Despite his very stern nature I always enjoyed his company.  The one treat I use to get when visiting, was to be taken by him to see Southend United playing football in the old Division 3 (South), watching from the best seats in the stand.

I spent many hours listening to stories of his life.  He often mentioned the family connections with the newspaper industry and can vaguely remeber him speaking of Monnie and Clifford Locks.  He also spoke of the family's ancestry going back as far as the time when the family home was in Boston where they were involved in the fishing industry. 
1878 Maud Edith LOCKS Charlie SIBSON Paddy SIBSON 1884 - 1961 Frederick (Fred) Joseph Lancaster ROWETT 76 76 Leytonstone, Snaresbrook, Grimsby & Felpham 1916 - 2016 Muriel Gladys ROWETT 99 99 1916 - 1997 Harri (Bevan) BEVAN JONES 81 81 Southend On Sea, Essex 1941 Dr Arthur (Bruce) Bruce BEVAN JONES 82 82 1946 Sandra MACLEAN 77 77 Southampton-on-Sea 1975 Sarah Caroline BEVAN JONES 47 47 1942 Penelope (Penny) Jean BEVAN JONES 80 80 1941 Anthony COPPLE 82 82 Sheringham, Norfolk 1970 - 2015 Deborah (Debbie) Muriel COPPLE 45 45 1968 James Andrew COPPLE 54 54 1958 Tessa Mair BEVAN JONES 65 65 1952 Hilary Susan BEVAN JONES 70 70 Chairperson of BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) 1921 - 1991 Raymond Locks ROWETT 69 69 1924 - 2009 Barbara May LANGLEY 84 84 Loughton, Essex 1952 Teresa Jean ROWETT 71 71 Has done a lot of research on the family tree 1947 Alan Locks ROWETT 76 76 1913 - 1996 Barbara Mary COVE 83 83 Buckhurst Hill, Snaresbrook, Loughton, Epping 1951 Celia Jane LOCKS 72 72 1947 John George Melbourne LOCKS 75 75 1946 - 1983 Jennifer Mary LOCKS 36 36 1945 Peter Nigel HEAP 78 78 Sawbridgeworth, Herts. 1978 Adam David Hardie HEAP 45 45 1945 Marilyn Rosemary BIGNELL 77 77 Hertford 1974 Tanya Jane LOCKS 49 49 1975 Nova Marie LOCKS 47 47 1977 Corinne Julie LOCKS 45 45 1949 Philip John Bohan BARRETT (later MARTIN) 74 74 Linda Marie GILROY Sydney, Australia Aina MOBRAY 1969 Nichole BARRETT 54 54 D. 1949 Edith Helen EASTOE 1900 - 1981 John Harold LOCKS 80 80 Born in Essex 1900 - 1974 Lillian Ida Gwendoline CRANG 74 74 D. 2005 Harold John Arthur LOCKS Enid Rosina DOBSON 1950 Michael John LOCKS 73 73 1904 - 1971 Walter Frederick LOCKS 66 66 1904 - 1968 Winifred Miriam STROHM 64 64 1924 - 2000 Joyce Miriam Victoria LOCKS 76 76 1923 - 1998 Ronald SEAMAN 75 75 Diane SEAMAN 1910 Gladys LOCKS Thomas MOORE Thomas SWETMAN D. 1981 Eileen SWETMAN Vincent CHARLTON ~1935 Richard CHARLTON 88 88 1904 - 1994 Jessie FINDLAY 90 90 Wanstead, Chiswick, Esher & Nr. Norwich 1915 - 1993 Doreen Flower BENNETT 78 78 Woodford Green 1941 Ian Roy LOCKS 82 82 1942 Valerie Jean SURGUY 81 81 Buckhurst Hill, Lynmouth & Gloucester 1968 Katharine Elizabeth LOCKS 55 55 1970 Virginia (Ginny) Louise LOCKS 53 53 1975 Charlotte Claire LOCKS 48 48 1944 Sonia Jane LOCKS 79 79 1939 Graham Leonard BOND 83 83 Loughton, Epping 1969 Emma Jane BOND 54 54 1972 Lucinda Claire BOND 51 51 1947 Juliet Ann LOCKS 75 75 Jeremy John Trevelyan MILLER Blackmore 1973 Justin Giles Trevelyan MILLER 50 50 1976 Tristan Edward Leonard MILLER 47 47 1902 - 1988 Gladys (Renee) Irene VARNEY 86 86 Woodford, Walmer Kent, Duxford 1927 - 2007 Brenda Irene LOCKS 80 80 1914 - 1963 George (Jim) James GOWAN 49 49 Leyton and Woodford 1929 - 1993 David Alan ROBERTS 63 63 Woodford, Tonbridge and Shrivenham 1964 - 1999 David Brand ROBERTS 35 35 1968 Anne Jacqueline ROBERTS 55 55 1948 - 1975 Christopher John Locks GOWAN 26 26 Woodford & London 1950 Berin James Locks GOWAN 73 73 1950 Gillian McLARTY 73 73 Tonbridge & Gt. Bookham 1975 Timothy Oliver James GOWAN 48 48 1977 Rebecca Michelle GOWAN 45 45 1952 Nicholas Jeremy GOWAN 71 71 Jenny INGLETON Tunbridge Wells 1977 Anna Louise GOWAN 46 46 1978 Samuel John GOWAN 45 45 1930 Roger Cyril LOCKS 93 93 Woodford, Tollesbury, Wadhurst Sussex 1928 Joan KINNEAR 1955 Norton Roger LOCKS 68 68 1957 Peter Robert LOCKS 66 66 1944 Anne HOLLY 79 79 1937 Nigel Colin LOCKS 85 85 1941 - 2017 Sylvia PICKETT 75 75 Loughton & Middleton-on-Sea 1962 Philip Anthony LOCKS 61 61 1965 Lindon Ainsley LOCKS 57 57 1939 Geoffrey Robin LOCKS 83 83 In later life living in France (in the Haut Vienne, near Limoges)
1941 Dorothy Hilda COLLINSON 82 82 Duxford, Camb. 1879 - 1938 Alice Elizabeth JONES 59 59 1876 - 1951 Daniel Frederick BALL 75 75 Rodney Locks recollects:

"Daniel was known to us all as ‘Darney Daddy’. I absolutely adored him. He was so kind and gentle and genuinely interested in us. He had a music studio in Hoe Street, Walthamstow, where he taught the violin and where I believe he met his wife – a student. He played in the London Philharmonic Orchestra at Queens Hall and concertmaster.

Regrettably, I have no memory of my maternal grandmother who died in 1938, about 59 years of age and I have only one framed photograph of her holding me in her arms on the beach at Felpham, where my paternal grandfather had one of his homes.

Although now aged 82, I still have vivid memories of Mother taking us to visit regularly Darney Daddy. It was a semi detached house fronting 58 Station Road with a small front garden and side alley way and there was a board up advising Painter and Decorator.

It was close to The Doric Cinema (long since gone) and Chingford Station. Many of the old ‘High Streets’, main thoroughfares, were fronted with residential homes with small front gardens only to be either converted in shops, or be redeveloped to create parades. I will come back to this point later.

The house was on two floors and the front two rooms which I recall were very Victorian with ornamental cornices and somewhat dark and with no electricity, relied on gas light. I was fascinated to see the gas mantles which had to be periodically changed and would crumble at a touch. The inner room, leading to the kitchen had a large dresser with drawers and a centre table with a dark heavy covering and when seasonal hyacinths in the centre. Diana can recall an oil lamp being lit.

We would arrive to a very welcoming Darney Daddy and when sat at the table, we would wait for the drawers in the dresser to be opened to receive comics such as The Beano and Dandy (later on to get The Eagle) and of course, sweets.

Within a 5 minute walk was a vast expanse of open recreational grounds known as The Chingford Plain (part of Epping Forest) and Fun Fares were frequently held and of course one of our special treats would be to be taken by our Grandfather to enjoy all that they had to offer.

When we moved from Woodford to Loughton, I remember Darney Daddy walking from Chingford to see Mother, whilst Dad was at work. Dad would kindly pass onto him suits, and indeed to me when I started working.

I still recall being taken to a tailor in High Road, Leytonstone (Killens) and being measured up for a suit to wear at my confirmation, and my embarrassment or say indignation, when the tailor wanted to measure my inside leg! It was a brown cloth and it did me proud!

Enroute from Loughton to Chingford, we would pass Connaught Waters, a 10 acre lake where we could fish and subsequently hire rowing boats and this was one of our favourite treats from home. Close to the lakes is a Tudor building , Queen Elizabeth’s Hunting Lodge built for King Henry V111 in 1543 as a grandstand to watch the hunting of deer in Epping Forest.

I recall stories of the infamous highwayman, Dick Turpin taking refuge in the lodge with his horse Black Bess. He also used a ‘cave’ at nearby High Beech to take refuge in and I would often show this hideout to visitors. He was hanged aged 33 on 7th April 1739 in York.

Mother’s sister, Aunty Gaby, our second Mother and we all adored her, had a house for a while in Loughton, and Darney Daddy moved in during his later years. This is when I last saw him, and he was in bed, and he died shortly after I saw him on 14th June, 1951.

I was thirteen at the time and my memory of my time with him when I just knew he was dying, will never fade. He looked so much at peace and blazoned across his lovely smiling face was the words of the 23rd Psalm. He gave his leather bound bible and it contained a lifelong commentary he made in its margins, and a most beautifully hand written study headed Propitiations. When he handed it to me, I just could not stop the tears running down my cheeks and some landed on the front cover of the bible which to this day have left their mark. I knew he was dying.

He also gave me his treasured Violin.

I have given the Bible to James following his confirmation and the Violin to Joanna in recognition of her great achievement in the nursing profession. Hill & Co, Violins, Violas and Cellos, 5 High Street, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, in February 1991 advised:

‘In our opinion this is a French violin labelled “Carrodus” and is in excellent condition. We consider it to have a current market value of £250.

With the violin is a Silver-mounted bow by Charles Bazin with a current market value of £250.’ Hill & Co did some repairs on 15th December 1980 (£38.66) and their receipt and the valuation is with Joanna.

I attended his funeral Darney Daddy’s funeral at The Old Church, Chingford, where he was buried and where his wife and other family members were also laid to rest.

Returning to the earlier reference concerning houses and being made into shops, a quite extraordinary thing happened in my latter teens.

On a Saturday night out, possibly dancing, I was without transport to get home from Wanstead and as was my custom, I thumbed a lift to be picked up by a delightful beefy young man and in conversation realised we both were musicians and he invited me to attend a music session at his friend's house in Chingford one Saturday evening.

I duly took the invite up and only to find it was Darney Daddy’s old home 58 Station Road, with the front now with a plate glass window and used as a ladies dress shop.

I walked down a side way and up an internal staircase to the first floor where a small grand piano was being beautifully played and some other musicians joining in. I heard for the first time It’s Magic and Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, being played and both subsequently became my favourites and signature tunes. I must say I realised at the time just how coincidental this happened. Does it have an explanation?"
2003 Thomas (Tom) LOCKS 20 20 Born 2:40 p.m. Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne. D. 1932 Sohia CANNON 1902 Ivy Dorothy LOCKS 1904 Marjorie Florence LOCKS 1912 - 2007 Ivy DOUGHTY 95 95 Born Epping, Essex. 1946 Ann LOCKS 77 77 Born Theydon Bois Vera Brian OVERY 1973 Aaron OVERY 50 50 Twin of Stafford 1973 Stafford OVERY 50 50 Twin of Aaron D. 2020 Cyril SHREEVES 1982 Keir SHREEVES 41 41 Brunel university Juliet AYLESBURY Selina HALSEY Grafton THORPE 1932 John THORPE 91 91 Pamela FAITHFUL Martin THORPE Caroline THORPE Wendy Chloe THORPE Katy THORPE Anna THORPE Christopher MICKLETHWAITE Clare MICKLETHWAITE John MICKLETHWAITE Arthur CATTERALL D. 2006 Robert CATTERALL Patricia CATTERALL Adrian FERNLEY Tracey FERNLEY Damian FERNLEY 1945 Robert Locks MARTIN 78 78 Middle name is Locks (that's not a mistake!) 1949 Tui Kay Ingram BENNETT 74 74 (English) Sydney, Australia 1969 Robert Scott MARTIN 54 54 1973 Tracey- anne Luana MARTIN 50 50 Adopted
3/4 Australian 1/4 Maori N.Z.
1974 - 1975 Natalie Bach MARTIN 3m 3m Adopted.
1974 Rebecca Thu Mai MARTIN 48 48 Adopted.
1972 - 1991 Christopher Jason BOWYER 19 19 Adopted Carol Ann MENEAR 1974 Christopher Michael LOCKS 49 49 Born in St. Austell, Cornwall. 1976 Marc Dean LOCKS 47 47 1980 Karen Elizabeth LOCKS 43 43 1976 Ross John MORCOM 47 47 1974 Adele Rosina MORCOM 48 48 Born in Tregoney, Cornwall. 1969 Michelle Jayne TEAGUE 53 53 Robert Charles MORCOM Michael TEAGUE 1952 Jessica Anne LOCKS 71 71 1941 Terence (Terry) Walter Ronald LOCKS 82 82 May Maud YEOMAN 1971 Teri MOHLMAN 52 52 2002 Joshua Scott MARTIN 21 21 1999 Teagan Elise MARTIN 24 24 1996 Hailey Rochelle MARTIN 27 27 1994 Kaitlyn Elizabeth MARTIN 29 29 1986 Timothy Benjamin MARTIN 37 37 1982 Penelope Jane MARTIN 41 41 John Roel MARTIN 1971 Brett Stuart RAYMOND 52 52 1976 John Dean EMERY 46 46 1980 Jesse Jay BOGAERT 43 43 1997 Jarrod Kyle RAYMOND 26 26 1994 Jake Michael RAYMOND 29 29 1992 Laura Jessica RAYMOND 30 30 2002 Ella Thu Mai EMERY 20 20 1860 Emma BEYFUS 1853 William BEYFUS 1851 Rosetta Mary BEYFUS 1849 Lewis BEYFUS 1826 Mary FERGUSON Marcus BEYFUS John BRUMMITT Robert CLEAVER HUNTER Thomas PALMER 1841 Louisa LOCKS 1889 Charles Ernest LOCKS 1925 - 1975 Edward Latham LOCKS 50 50 1924 Dorothy LOCKS Dorothy emigrated to Canada and never married. 1914 - 1955 Iris Ethel LOCKS 41 41 1944 Paul LOCKS 79 79 1966 William Simon LOCKS 57 57 Maureen Ellen GOULDING 1936 William Allan LOCKS 87 87 1908 - 1993 Ethel Violet YARDLEY 85 85 1911 William Norman LOCKS 1889 - 1926 Ethel Lucy Anna STREDWICK 37 37 1886 - 1936 William Herbert LOCKS 50 50 1869 Edith LOCKS Martyn CLEAVER 1866 Ellen Agnes LOCKS 1864 Isobel Harriett LOCKS Norman BEYFUS Dorothy Minnie BEYFUS 1856 Angelus BEYFUS Wool broker.
William Locks (Angelus Beyfus' father in law) left his estate, valued at £11,277 16s 3d - comprising properties, pictures, plated articles, musical instruments and other items - to Angelus Beyfus.
1857 Minnie LOCKS 1884 Mabel Marian LOCKS 1853 Marian BLACKMAN 1855 - 1899 Edward Alfred LOCKS 43 43 Edward Alfred emigrated to Zephyr, Brown County in America, where as a result there is a sizeable Locks community today.
1852 Kate Isabel LOCKS 1850 - 1926 Alice Emily LOCKS 76 76 Jessie,  Florence  and  Alice  all  entered  the Convent of Mercy, in Crispin Street, Spitalfields, a convent which worked among the poor of the district. It included a school and a temporary home for young women who were out of work, and a night refuge for 40 women and children. 1848 - 1851 Charles LOCKS 3 3 1847 - 1947 Florence LOCKS 100 100 Jessie,  Florence  and  Alice  all  entered  the the Convent of Mercy, in Crispin Street, Spitalfields, a convent which worked among the poor of the district. It included a school and a temporary home for young women who were out of work, and a night refuge for 40 women and children.

Florence was known as Sister Mary Evangelist. She lived to see her 100th birthday, 1947. She was remembered with immense affection and respect for her personal qualities and for her particu­lar skill in caligraphy.

She produced an illuminated address of congratulations which was sent to Queen Victoria on her golden jubilee in 1887. The Queen responded with a letter expressing her admiration and pleasure in Florence's work, The illuminated address was included in exhibitions of the Queen's jubilee gifts.

Florence also produced an illuminated history of  the  convent  which  is  a  treasure, prized for its high quality.
BADDELEY 1846 Mary Elizabeth LOCKS 1845 Emma LOCKS 1844 - 1917 Julia Jessie LOCKS 73 73 Jessie,  Florence  and  Alice  all  entered  the the Convent of Mercy, in Crispin Street, Spitalfields, a convent which worked among the poor of the district. It included a school and a temporary home for young women who were out of work, and a night refuge for 40 women and children. 1862 Harriett BRUMMITT 1840 - 1898 William LOCKS 58 58 He owned property in the East End - seven leasehold houses in Portree Street, Poplar - and a main residence at 13 Burlington Street, Brighton, in one of the main resi­dential squares off the parade.

He left his estate, valued at £11,277 16s 3d - comprising properties, pictures, plated articles, musical instruments and other items - to Angelus Beyfus. He left provision for the education of his chil­dren, William Herbert and Charles William, and he left money bequests to his brothers and sit ten and to the Convent of Mercy where three of his sisters were nuns.

Jessie,  Florence  and  Alice  all  entered  the the Convent of Mercy, in Crispin Street, Spitalfields, a convent which worked among the poor of the district. It included a school and a temporary home for young women who were out of work, and a night refuge for 40 women and children.

1838 - 1906 Phoebe Hannah LOCKS 67 67 Emily Louisa BLACKMORE 1816 - 1860 Hannah NORMAN 44 44 1817 - 1876 William LOCKS 59 59 There was an announcement in the Times pronouncing William Locks, Curtain Road, BANKRUPT in  September 1862! 1779 Thomas LOCKS 1751 Ann SPONG 1741 Thomas LOCKS 1777 Ann LOCKS 1781 - 1838 William LOCKS 57 57 Mary Mary Ann SWANNEYCROOK 1841 Thomas LOCKS 1808 Maria LOCKS 1810 Ann LOCKS 1813 Sarah LOCKS Rushbrook Richard WADE 1814 Jane LOCKS 1815 Hannah LOCKS 1827 Jane Louisa LOCKS Sarah HALES William DAWSON 1868 Emmeline DAY William H. DAY 1842 Fanny M. LOCKS 1838 - 1839 John LOCKS 1 1 1832 Louisa Caroline LOCKS 1858 - 1927 Mary WAIN 69 69 1883 - 1883 Florence Emmeline LOCKS 2m 2m Jane (?) KIKBY John KIRKBY 1895 - 1897 Jack LOCKS 2 2 1894 - 1895 John Reginald LOCKS 1 1 1892 - 1976 Florence Mabel LOCKS 83 83 1890 George Wells LOCKS 1887 Lillian May LOCKS 1868 Kate CHAPMAN 1869 - 1942 John George LOCKS 73 73 Harriet KIRKBY 1847 - 1913 John Glass LOCKS 66 66 1854 Emmeline LOCKS Mary Ann KEAL John GLASS Ann BARNS 1797 Samuel LOCKS 1787 Cornelius LOCKS Horatio Pettener ARNALL 1886 Daisy WELBERRY 1885 Joseph WELBERRY 1882 Thomas WELBERRY 1888 William Henry WELBERRY 1884 Emmanuel WELBERRY 1883 John Frederick WELBERRY 1856 Jack WELBERRY 1862 - 1926 Annie Rice LOCKS 64 64 1885 George SWINN 1883 Samuel (Sam) SWINN 1858 - 1947 Samuel SWINN 89 89 1865 Emily Mary LOCKS 1874 - 1874 Ada Elizabeth LOCKS 8m 8m 1873 - 1879 Frederick Charles LOCKS 5 5 1870 - 1870 Fanny Elizabeth LOCKS 2m 2m Jayanne MULLINS Blair MULLINS Michael MULLINS 1941 Pamela Anne LOCKS 82 82 1979 Katherine Mair BEVAN JONES 44 44 John Jason PAYNE- JAMES 1987 Alistair Ian Bevan PAYNE-JAMES 36 36 1985 Elizabeth Mattie PAYNE-JAMES 37 37 1930 Angela Mary LOCKS 93 93 1933 Colin Lynne BARNES 90 90 1927 - 2016 Pamela Louisa TIMMS 88 88 1869 Alfred Ernest VARNEY Lucy Heather Jane SANFORD 1985 William Sanford LOCKS 38 38 1983 Stevi Jane LOCKS 39 39 1958 Ann RAVEN 65 65 Source material (Teresa ROWETT's tree) has Anne Raven as born 1978, which must be a typo as otherwise she married when she was one! Assume this is 1958 to match her husband. 1989 Samuel LOCKS 33 33 1988 Emily LOCKS 35 35 1983 Thomas LOCKS 40 40 Natasha LILLEY Andrew LILLEY 1962 Elizabeth 61 61 1988 Banjamin James LOCKS 34 34 1991 Daniel Thomas LOCKS 32 32 Amanda Louise BONES 1982 Nicholas Charles LOCKS 41 41 1982 James Frances LOCKS 41 41 1942 - 2001 Grace Valerie 59 59 1967 Angela Mary LOCKS 56 56 1969 Louise Helen DAVEY 54 54 Janet May RAYMOND Ronald Allan DAVEY 1972 Martin DAVEY 51 51 Darren HUGHES 1969 Wendy Elizabeth LOCKS 54 54 1967 Peter Robert HASELDEN 56 56 Born in Woking, Surrey 1961 Mark Garrick CLAYTON 61 61 born in Chiswick, West London.

The name Garrick (Mark and James' second name) came about as a result of Mark's parents passing the Garrick Theatre in London on the way to the hospital where Mark's mother Patricia, gave birth to him.
1997 James Patrick CLAYTON 26 26 Born in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. 1999 Amy Louise CLAYTON 24 24 Born in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. 2002 Edward Robert HASELDEN 21 21
1967 Daniel Solomon SCHECHTER 55 55 Works in Detroit 2002 Nathan Locks SCHECHTER 20 20 1917 - 1999 Olive (Gaby) Gabrielle BALL 81 81 1882 - 1973 Florrie ROWETT 90 90 1921 - 1940 Arthur BEVAN JONES 18 18 See Griff BEVAN JONES 1957 John Andrew Christopher GALLAGHER 66 66 1970 Kathy June MADDOX 52 52 1945 Hatsuko HANEJI 78 78 Okinawan 1943 Robert E MADDOX Jr. 80 80 Andrew Oliver KNOWLES 1988 Jasmin Myrtle KNOWLES 34 34 1992 Emily Charlotte GALLAGHER 31 31 1987 Larissa Jane GALLAGHER 35 35 1958 Sarah Jane Frances JOSLIN 65 65 1995 Oliver Francis ROWETT 28 28 1986 Andrew Joslin ROWETT 37 37 1983 Christoffer Locks ROWETT 40 40 1980 Katherine Jane ROWETT 42 42 Mary DEBUSE Iris Kenneth JOSLIN 1893 - 1989 May EDWARDS 96 96 1893 - 1975 Walter Robert LANGLEY 82 82 1920 - 1996 Walter Peter Berkley LANGLEY 76 76 1879 - 1960 Mary (Nellie) Eleanor ROWETT 80 80 2004 Liam Thomas LOCKS 19 19 born in King's Lynn, Norfolk 2002 Marcus William Aarron LOCKS 21 21 born in King's Lynn, Norfolk Claire Edith UPTON Previously named Loveless from previous marriage. LOVELESS 1979 Aarron Paul LOCKS 44 44 Aarron joined the British Army after leaving School like his Father Paul.

Aarron served several years with the Royal Anglian Infantry Regiment being posted around the World including tours of Northern Ireland. Aarron left the Army back in 2000 and is currently Manager of a CCTV Control Room in Cambridgeshire.
1932 Constance Winifred ? 91 91 1932 - 2017 Paul Maurice LOCKS 85 85 2004 - living in Terrington St. Clement, King's Lynn. BLIGH 1950 Marilyn Shelagh ANGIER 73 73 Formerly Marilyn Shelagh Bligh from a previous marriage. She already had three children from a previous marriage, Jason (11.1.1970), Justin Dean (9.5.1976) and Lisa Marie Grace (5.3.1971). Both Justin and Lisa adopted the name Locks but Jason remained Bligh. 1969 Adam Guy LOCKS 54 54 1970 Annabel Eloise LOCKS 52 52 1971 Lisa Marie Grace BLIGH ("Locks") 52 52 Bligh by birth but adopted the name Locks 1970 Jason BLIGH 53 53 Bligh by birth but unlike siblings chose not to adopt the name Locks 1976 Justin Dean BLIGH ("Locks") 47 47 Bligh by birth but adopted the name Locks.
1981 Nicholas Mark LOCKS 42 42 living in Wisbech 1996 Shannon Louise LOVELESS ("Locks") 27 27 1992 Brandon Luke LOVELESS ("Locks") 31 31 Tracy LAWRENCE 2001 William Dean BLIGH ("Locks") 21 21 1999 Megan BLIGH ("Locks") 24 24 1997 Emily BLIGH ("Locks") 26 26 1969 Allan PERRYMAN 53 53 1997 Ben PERRYMAN 25 25 1993 Jack PERRYMAN 29 29 1951 Joyce Sylvia PETTINGEL 72 72 1945 Roger UPTON 78 78 1974 Darren Paul UPTON 49 49 2004 Adam James OVERY 19 19 2005 Heather (Lily) Liliana SCHECHTER 18 18 Lesley FRY 2005 John Christopher LOCKS 18 18 Brandon Menear LOCKS 1944 Janet Mary STRACEY 78 78 1965 Karen Anne LOCKS 58 58 1968 Mark Terance LOCKS 55 55 Charles LEE 1994 Dominic Mark LEE 29 29 1987 Thomas Ross LEE 36 36 1985 Natasha Anne LEE 37 37 1984 Charles Jack LEE 39 39 Andrew WHITTAKER 2002 Amelia Charlotte WHITTAKER 21 21 2000 Olivia Victoria Louise WHITTAKER 22 22 Kathryn Amelia JAMES 1999 Summer Fabienne LOCKS 24 24 Brian WILKINSON 1971 Tonia Michelle WILKINSON 52 52 1969 Scott David WILKINSON 54 54 Keith William STRACEY 1841 Jessie Brockley CRAGER Robert Alan Henry TOMS 1875 Ada Helena TOMS 1872 Alice (Maud) Maud TOMS 1868 - 1930 Albert Edward TOMS 62 62 1864 - 1950 Brockley (Brock) Crager TOMS 86 86 1988 David Ingram MARTIN 35 35 1990 Emily Elizabeth MARTIN 33 33 1984 Linda BATCOCK 38 38 2004 Corban Dyami BOGEART 19 19 1983 James Bradley MARTIN 39 39 Jessica May DAVEY Drusilla BEYFUS Martin SHULMAN 1942 Vivien Winifred SCOTT 81 81 Born in West Drayton Middlesex. 6lbs+

Lived at 120 Albert road Leyton E10 until Married. It was a ground floor flat with a garden, 5 rooms. Quite small but had own room.

1962 - ?1986 23, Harwater Draive, Loughton Essex.
?1986 - 2002 22 Baldwins Hill, Loughton
2003 - Aldeburgh.
2002 Aldeburgh
Cohabitation (two children) (a child) (a child) Divorce (three children) Marriage (two children) m. 8-8-2008 Separation in fact Marriage (a child) m. mid-1930's Marriage (a child) m. 5-8-2006 Marriage (a child) m. 6-2008 Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 30/7/1988 Marriage (a child) m. 18/7/1987 Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) m. 30/08/2008 (two children) Marriage m. 1908 Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage +Possibly more children Marriage m. 1968 Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (a child) (a child) (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) m. 08/05/2009 Cohabitation (two children) Divorce m. 14/9/1974 Divorce (three children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) m. 23/7/2005 Engagement (two children) Marriage m. 2/9/1995 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m. 18/7/1992 Marriage (three children) m. 11/10/1997 Marriage (two children) m. 1/6/2002 Marriage (two children) m. 30/7/1994 Marriage (two children) m. 1/8/1998 Divorce m. 29/9/2007 div. 13/3/2013 Widowed (three children) Marriage Marriage (two children) (a child) Marriage m. 8/9/2018 Marriage m. 2016 (a child) (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (four children) Marriage (three children) m. 11/4/2014 Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage m. 14/9/2019 (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) 2007 Madison Kaiya LOCKS 16 16 Andrew CAIRNS Tayla Jane CAIRNS 1836 Samuel SWINN 1838 - 1883 Elizabeth Betsy CLARK 45 45 1806 - 1891 John SWINN 85 85 1799 - 1865 Elizabeth HARDY 66 66 2004 Amelia Peggy Louise OVERY 18 18 2007 Jaide Kya RAYMOND 16 16 2006 Edward Thomas OVERY 16 16 2007 George Theodore OVERY 16 16 1984 Lindsay Ann CHAPMAN 38 38 1912 - 1980 Ronnie William HORWOOD 67 67 1911 - 1982 Marjorie Phyllis BALL 70 70 Frederick (Sanny) CAUSTON- SANSOM 1969 Jordan PECCIA 54 54 (Italian surname pronounced "Petra")
Born in Montana.
Father School teacher
Mother a nurse.
One brother is a Colnel in the US Army.
Van TRAN Came from Vietnam when she was 8.

Name pronounced Vaughan
Harry CASTLEMAN Lillian MALEN 2004 William Alexander HASELDEN 19 19 Lucy Jay SCHWARTZ 2005 Florence LOCKS 18 18 2007 Clement LOCKS 16 16 Henry SCHWARTZ Saffron SCHWARTZ Forbes GEEKLE Alistair BELL Richard LAWRANCE 1990 David Harriowen LAWRANCE 33 33 1991 Peter Andrew Robert LAWRANCE 32 32 1993 Rosie May LAWRANCE 29 29 Wendy Fiona LANGLEY Stella LANGLEY Neil LANGLEY John WHEATCROFT Andrew WHEATCROFT Peter MOORE Simon MOORE Fiona MOORE 1982 Anthea Helen HEAP 40 40 1980 Melanie Ann HEAP 43 43 1955 Carmen Gloria De La Fuente Fuenzdudd 68 68 1990 Christopher Michael HEAP 33 33 2009 Sophie Ann LOCKS 14 14 1987 Stacey RUSSELL 35 35 2007 Alfie Thomas LOCKS 15 15 2005 Jodie PERRYMAN 17 17 2010 Steven Daniel CASTLEMAN 13 13 2009 Julian Lawrence PECCIA 14 14 Herman Emma Louise says:
"My mother is a beautiful artist and has done many lovely paintings"
1970 Melanie Ann LOCKS 53 53 Emma (Louise) Louise LOCKS ? Lulu Lulu, Paul's  very friendly dog and companion whowent to live with his daughter-in-law Stacy when Paul died. Charles Thomas BALL Louise Thomas BALL Richard (Dick) JONES We have surmised his place in the tree from Gaby Ball's reference to him in this photo as "Uncle Dick". Also he is standing next to Mary Anne JONES, so it is likely she is his sister.

Rodney Locks also recalls: "I seem to recall Uncle Dick being referred to alongside Aunt Mary Anne who married Charles Metson."
Richard (Dick) JONES Alice Elizabeth Came from France, age 3, during the French revolution. Her mother took her to the French Hospital in London and worked as a cook. Mary Ann JONES Charles H METSON Rodney Locks writes:
"My parents [Clifford Locks, and Blanche] were very attentive to him and when they passed on, we took him over by bringing him to lunch at [our house] and keeping him stocked up with fresh fish, fruit and vegs.  He was a real dear"
1939 Nigel (Ross CAUSTON) CAUSTON-SANSOM 84 84 Nigel changed his name from Nigel CAUSTON-SANSOM to Ross CAUSTON since joining the RAF in the late 1950's Margaret BULL 2009 Quentin George SCHWARTZ 14 14 Fluffy George Louis Daisy Holly 2018 Lili 5 5 2018 Nadia 5 5 Martha Louise ? ? ROWETT Ebenezer NORMAN Thomas PALMER 2009 Lliana Alice OVERY 14 14 1980 Maria? Isabella McNULTY 43 43 Paul DAY 1967 John Francis BREWER 56 56 2007 Aiden David BREWER 16 16 1920 - 1920 ? 1952 Peter Victor FULL 70 70 1930 Joyce Dorothy PEARSE 93 93 D. 1928 Eileen Parsons DRINKWATER Arthur Charles THORNE Charles THORNE 1973 Carole Ann HUFFEE 49 49 2011 Isabel Rose Edna MILLER 12 12 2009 Alexander Maclean 14 14 Kayleigh 2012 Emily Luoise BELL 11 11 1964 - 2005 Bryan BESSENT 41 41 2010 Lucas William BREWER 13 13 1976 Robert Paul SMITH 47 47 2011 Zachary George SMITH 12 12 Neil 1967 Stephen WILKINSON 56 56 2000 Jessica Lauren WILKINSON 22 22 1963 Brian KEARNS 59 59 1999 Madeleine KEARNS 23 23 2001 Georgina Maya KEARNS 21 21 2005 Amelie Elizabeth KEARNS 18 18 1969 Virilo Moro ANSOLEAGA 54 54 2007 Rebeca Elise ANSOLEAGA 16 16 2009 Lara Isabel ANSOLEAGA 14 14 1963 Ian George PADFIELD 60 60 1996 James William PADFIELD 27 27 1998 Edward George Leonard PADFIELD 24 24 Richard POHL 2000 Emily Jane POHL 22 22 2004 Imogen Jemima POHL 18 18 1980 Rebecca Sheila HARVEY 43 43 ? 1964 - 2005 Bryan BESSENT 41 41 ? ? ? Jessie HOLMWOOD MORRIS Arthur TIMMS HOSKIN 2001 Jake HOSKIN 22 22 1983 Andrew Daniel HARDY 40 40 Sharon Joyce 2017 Olivia ROWETT 6 6 2016 Zak Alan ROWETT 7 7 2012 Lewis Ryan Christopher LOCKS 11 11 2011 Oscar Shai LOCKS 11 11 2013 Henry Ricky LOCKS 10 10 Kirsty 2011 Amy-May BLIGH ("Locks") 12 12 2014 Harry David BLIGH ("Locks") 9 9 Ronald CASTLEMAN Michael David CASTLEMAN 1950 Geraldine (Geri) Antoinette 73 73 1984 Michelle CASTLEMAN 39 39 Flora Lisa CASTLEMAN David CASTLEMAN Mark CASTLEMAN Brian CASTLEMAN 1980 Anna WELSH 42 42 2019 Lilly Sarah Locks ROWETT 3 3 Sandy HARRIES Jessica (Jessie) TOMS Cyril NOBLE Edith (Eddie) Robert TOMS Maud TOMS Will WALKER Maud TOMS Billy FINDLAY ? Robert WALKER Olive WALKER 2015 Tabitha Rose MILLER 8 8 2015 Poppy Victoria MILLER 8 8 2018 Matilda Florence MILLER 5 5 2013 Leonard John Trevelyan MILLER 10 10 ? ? Doris NOBLE Eric VARNEY MORRIS Jim MORRIS Jim MORRIS is marked on the source wedding photo as the bride (Gladys VARNEY)'s uncle. Therefore her mother must  her mother's brother. Mabel ROWETT TOMS Leonard ROGER Florence MORRIS Named as Gladys VARNEY's aunt in the 1926 wedding photo of Cyril LOCKS and Gladys VARNEY Winnie VARNEY Margaret ROGER D. 1923 James Ratcliffe HASELDEN Jenny 1965 John Neil HASELDEN 58 58 1969 Michael Paul HASELDEN 54 54 Jessamy Irwin CLARK 2014 Ottilie SHREEVES 9 9 2017 Izora SHREEVES 6 6 2019 Orland SHREEVES 4 4 1981 Philip Alan SCHNEIDER 41 41 TARRY William BALL D. 2022 Allen SCHECHTER D. 2023 Patrick CLAYTON
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