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Male Harry Loveland Hebenthal Click to view Harry Loveland Hebenthal in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Harry was born on July 31st, 1889 in Hammondville, Bullskin township, Fayette County,  Pennsylvania, USA.1  Harry's father was Charles Sumner Hebenthal and his mother was Margaret Hart (Hebenthal).  His paternal grandparents were Henry Hebenthal and Elizabeth B Slonecker (Hebenthal); his maternal grandparents were Henry D Hart and Nancy Calhoun (Hart). He had five brothers and four sisters, named Russell, Edward, George, Elmer, Charles, Evalyn, Lillian, Hazel and Ethel.  He was the second oldest of the ten children.  He died at the age of 61 on November 24th, 1950 in Blairsville, Pennsylvania, USA.  He was buried in Blairsville Cemetery--Burrell Township, Indiana County, PA.2 1 

Harry's first family

Harry and Sarah were married in a religious & civil ceremony on February 22nd, 1914 in Bridgeport, Mount Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, USA.  They had two daughters named Lillian and Sarah.

Harry's second family

Harry and Luella were married in a religious & civil ceremony on October 27th, 1922 in Cumberland,  Maryland, USA.3   They had four sons and four daughters, named Dale, Harry, George, Alexander, Baby, Judith, Margaret and Dorothea.

1 Tombstone
2 Website
3 Retha Smith-( e-mail)
Source/Citation 1920 census

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