- b.1012 in Gloucestershire, England
- b.1042 in Berkeley Castle, Thornbury, Gloucester d.1093 in Priory Of Stanley
- b.1068 in Berkeley Castle, Thornbury, Gloucester d.29 Sep 1131
- b.1046/1051 in Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
- b.1094 in Berkeley Castle, Thornbury, Gloucester d.1170
- b.1130 in Berkeley Castle, Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England d.1192
- b.0963 in Normandy, France
- b.1025 in Moutires-Huber, Normandy, France d.1087 in England
- b.~ 1060 in Moutiers-Huber, Normandy, France d.1138 in Dudley, Worcestershire, England
- b.1135/1140 in Normandy, France
- b.~ 1100 in Dudley, Worcestershire
- b.~ 1014 in Picquigni near Amiens, France d.< 1086
- b.~ 1044 in Dudley, Worchestershire, England
- b.~ 1074 in Worchestershire
- b.~ 1129 in Dudley, Worcestershire d.1208/1209
- b.1010 in Ferrieres-St-Hilaire, Eure, Normandy, France d.1089 in Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire, England
- b.~ 1036 in Ferrieres, Normandy, France d.1088 in Of Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England
- b.~ 1015
- b.~ 1062 in Derbyshire, England d.1139 in Charterley, Staffordshire, England
- b.~ 1020
- b.~ 1040 in Gostenois, Normandy, France d. in Darley, Derbyshire, England
- b.1115 in Tutbury, Derbyshire
- b.1030/1035 in Vitre, Bretagne, France d.1102 in Vitre, Bretagne, France
- b.ABT 1054/1057 in Vitre, Bretagne, France
- b.1034/1040 in Craon, Mayenne, France
- b.~ 1069 in Vitre, Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany, France
- b.~ 1037 in Mortagne-au-Perche, Orne, Normandy, France d.8 Dec 1090/1095 in France
- b.~ 1054 in Mortagne, S-Mnch, France
- b.~ 1041 in Mortagne, S-Mnch, France d.1107