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Male Robert Swan Click to view Robert Swan in the family tree

Robert was born in Gilberdike, Eastrington Parish, East Yorkshire, England.1   Robert's father was Richard Swan and his mother was Anna Spofford.  His paternal grandparents were Robert Swan and Juliana; his maternal grandfather was John Spofford. He had four brothers and nine sisters, named William, Richard, Jonathan, John, Jane, Frances, Susan, Dorothy, Anna, Mercy, Sarah, Julianna and Faith.  He died in Haverhill, Essex Co, Massachusetts, USA.  He was buried in Pentucket, Haverhill, Essex Co, Massachusetts, USA.2 2 

Robert's family with Elizabeth Acye

‌Robert and Elizabeth were married in a religious ceremony in 1650 in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA.3   They had nine sons and five daughters, named Asa (Acy), Robert, John, Samuel, Samuel, Joshua, Caleb, Timothy, Richard, Elizabeth, Sarah, Dorothie, Ruth and Ann.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
2 Elizabeth (Ruth) ACYE.FTW
3 Swan Family Records
Further sources/citations:
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register @ 33:404, "Early Settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts" @ p. 2, 371, daveanthes.FTW

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