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Female Joanna Slocum Click to view Joanna Slocum in the family tree

Joanna was born on December 30th, 1722 in Portsmouth, Newport Co., Rhode Island, USA 02871, 413608N0711503W.1   Joanna's father was Giles Slocum and her mother was Anne Borden.  Her paternal grandparents were Giles Slocum and Ann Lawton; her maternal grandparents were Matthew Borden and Sarah Clayton. She had five brothers and seven sisters, named Giles, Matthew, Giles, Matthew, Benjamin, Ann, Elizabeth, Ruth, Abigail, Hannah, Sarah and Mary.  She died at the age of 1 on August 1st, 1724 in Portsmouth, Newport Co., Rhode Island, USA 02871, 413608N0711503W.1 

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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