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Male II Geoffrey Click to view II Geoffrey in the family tree

II was born in 0975.1   II's father was Vicount Of Chateaudun Hugh and his mother was Hildegard of Blois.  His paternal grandparents were Geoffrey Count De Gatinois and Ermengarde Countess Of Anjou; his maternal grandparents were II Thibaud and Hildebrante Princess of France. He had a brother named Vicount Of Chateaudun.  He was the older of the two children. He had a half-brother named Buchard.

II's family with Helvise Elizabeth Of Montaigne

They had a son named Rotrou.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
daveanthes.FTW, Spare.FTW

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