[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Philip, DOB 1638, was grandson of Philip, DOB 1591. Philip, DOB 1638, was adopted by his grandfather and is, therefore, shown as son - although in fact, he is grandson. The adoption records state "Philip Fowler the elder, of Ipswich, in the presence of Joseph his son and Martha his wife, did adopt as his sone, Philip, the son of the said Joseph and Martha."
After having given trades to his children and living to see them all settled in life, Philip selected his grandson, Philip, his namesake, to take care of him in his old age. In 1668 he gave a Deed of Gift to his grandson Philip which read:
"This present writing witnesseth, that I, Philip Ffowler of Ipswich, in the county of Essex, clothworker, for and in considderation of that naturall affection I doe beare unto my Grandchild Phillip Ffowler, as also in considderation of his being with me, and doeing my business for me, as formerly, I doe by these presents freely give and grant, and by these fully confirme, unto him the sayd Phillip, my grandchild, all that my now dwelling house and lands I stand now possesst off, after my decease (exsepting what by agreement with my wife upon mariage, wch is put in writing and recorded), for him, the sayd Phillip, my Grandchild, Imediatly after my decease. To have * to hould, and quietly and peaceably to enjoy, unto him & his heires & assignes forever, all that my sayd houses and lands, with all and every, the apptenances & prevaldges, thereunto belonging, exsept as aforesayd, what is granted to my wife, dureing her naturall life, and after her decease, the whole to be and remaine unto him the sayd Phillip, my Grandchild, his heires and assignes, for ever, provided still, that if by the providence of God, I shall be forct for nesasary subsitance to sell any pt. thereof, wch in such case I reserve liberty to doe, provided, if he the sayd Phillip, dye without isue, then to returne unto his Brother Joseph, & if Joseph dye without isue, then to be & remaine his brother John, provided alwayes, that if my Grandchild Phillip, leaves a wife behind him when he dye, then she shall enjoy it dureing her naturall life, & then to be & returne, as above exprest. In wittnes whereof, I the sayd Phillip Ffowler, have sett to my hand and seale, dated the 23 of December, Anno Dom. 1668.
Signed Sealed & dl in the presence of us,
Richard Rimball (the marke of). Phillip Ffowler
John Severance. (the marke of with a green seal)
Robert Lord.
Acknowledged before me Apr. 29, 1670. Daniel Denison. Recorded May the 6th, 1670" Essex Deeds, Bk. 3; 152.
Philip died intestate and administration on what was left of his estate, he having previously disposed of most of his property amoung his children, was granted to his grandson Phillip on 29 Sept. 1679.
"An Inventory of the estate of Phillip Fowler, sen deceased, taken on the 7th of July, 1679, of the weareing clothes of the sd Phillip,
Imp 4 ould coates and an old cloke 01-15-0
It a psell of old clothes 01-00-0
It some old stockings 2 caps & a pr of gaiters 00-05-0
It a paire of old gloves & an old hat 00-02-0
It two paire of drawers & two old shirts 00-15-0
2 caps & two bands, 3 old handchercheres & 2 old wastecoats 00-04-6
Debts due to the estate 0-17-6
Debts due from the estate 3-19-7 1/2
these things above mentioned prised by us, Simeon Stace, Nicholas Wallis.
Phillip Fowler Aministrator dl this Inventory upon oath to be a true Inventory of his the estate to the best of his knowledge, & if more appeares to add the same. In court held Ipswich, 30, (7), 1679. As attest Robert Lord, cler."
Contains data that has not been verified. Use only as a guide. PERSONAL USE ONLY!