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Male Luder Prince of Brunswick Grubenhagen Click to view Luder Prince of Brunswick Grubenhagen in the family tree

Luder Prince of was born about 1275 in of, Braunschweig, Brunswick, Germany.1   Luder Prince of's father was 'Der Grosse' and his mother was Princess of Montferrat Alessina.  His paternal grandparents were Otto I 'Das and Mathilde Princess Of Brandenburg; his maternal grandparents were Bonifacio III Marchese of Montferrat and Margherita Countess of Savoy. He had five brothers and a sister, named Heinrich I Duke of, Albrecht II, Wilhelm Duke of, Otto Prince of, Konrad Prince of and Mathilde Princess of.  He was the second youngest of the seven children.  He died on April 18th, 1335.1 

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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