Custom Field:<_FA#> On her gravestone her first name is spelt An.@@S726784@@Date of Import: Jul 31, 2003
"This day came Ann E. Janerett, Adm'rx. of Elias Janerett, (1) late of
Pike County, late of Pike County, dec'd., and filed her account and
vouchers of an annual settlement with said estate. It is, therefore,
ordered that the 3rd Monday in Aug. be set for hearing, and publication
be made in the "Independent American" for three consecutive weeks,
requiring all persons interested to be at my office on tha day to contest
the same, if they desire so to do. June 18, 1855. Bird Fitzaptrick, Judge
of Probate. " (2)
(1) Last name spelt that way in the article.
(2) Independent American, 20 June 1855. A newspaper published in Troy,
Pike Co., AL
"Ann E. Jenrett (1) has a notice for the annual settlement of the estate
of Elias Jenrett" (2)
(1) Last name spelt that way in the article.
(2) Independent American, 23 Feb 1859. A newspaper published in Troy,
Pike Co., AL