Cupid designed a little romantic marriage last Sunday, culminating in
Vester Miller and Miss Bazemore being made husband and wife.
The romance was not in run away marriage, but out of the ordinary.
They decided to surprise their friends, and secretly went to Talladega,
Ala., and were married there, returning home , and to Rockford Tuesday.
Mr. Miller is one of Coosa County's best citizen, and Miss Bazemore
is one of Coosa County's fairest daughters, and the oldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bazemore, of near Weogufka.
The Chronicle joins their many friends in wishing them a long, happy
and useful life." (1)
(1) The Chronicle, Miller - Bazemore, 2 Jul 1920, p. 4. Published in
Rockford, Coosa Co., AL. Microfilm: Located in the Alabama Archives and
History, Montgomery, AL.