Transported by Richard Owen. Land rights claims differ about
Proved 27 Jan 1691 at court held at Col. Nicholas Gassaway's.
Nicholas Gassaway, SR of South River, merchant. To son
Nicholas, land I now live on and land on Loves neck running on
the main road running on Loues neck untill you come to the
cross path that goes on my plantation and joining to the land
of John Shaw till you come to Loves neck again. If dies w/o
heir, to son John and son Thomas and their heirs. Also seven
negroes: named. To son John, 300 ac on Gun Powder called
Charles purchase and after decease of his sister Hester Groce,
the land she now liives on. Also 50 pounds sterling and
furniture. If John dies w/o lawful issue, to be divided beteen
sons Nicholas and Thomas. To Thomas, land Thomas Norris now
lives on (Little Neck Branch), and nine negroes. To Nicholas
and Thomas, 780 ac in falls of Gun Powder river. If Nicholas
dies w/o heir, to Thomas and John, and if Thomas should die, to
John and if John dies w/o heirs to daughter Ann Watkins and her
heirs. To daughter Hester Groce, 10 lbs sterling. To daughter
Ann Watkins, 2 negroes. To daughter Jane Gassaway, 200 lbs and
negroe girl. To daughter Margaret Gassaway, 200 lbs and negroe
girl. To grandchildren John Watkins and Elizabeth Groce, 5
lbs/yr, with provisions for their prior decese. Which money
being left me by my uncle John Callingsworth of London,
merchant and in possession of my cousin Samuel (Beaver). Exrs
to keep up their sisters Jane and Margaret untill married.
Thomas to be at the (Tuition) and bringing up of John and Ann
Watkins till he comes of age. Crop of tobacco to be divided
between Thomas, Nicholas and Ann. Nicholas, John Watkins and
wife and Thomas, exors. Wit: Jacob Harris, Artur Herring, Robt
Ward, John Ramsey.