Alias:<ALIA> John /Thomason/
REFN: 8492
[Peggy Reece Bruckner.GED]
1860 Cens us of Mecklenburg County, NC, Western Division, page 212, DW
1017, FM 1019:
Thomison, John B., WM, 26, farmer, born NC
Thomison, Mary, WF, 25, born NC
Th omison, Emma, FM, 2, born NC
Living next door: David Thomison, age 54, farmer, NC, wife Jane and
1870 Census of Mecklenburg County, NC, Deweese To wnship, Davidson PO,
page 136, DW 18, FM 18 (9/7/1870):
Thomason, John, WM, 35, farmer, born NC
Thomason, Mary A., WF, 33, born NC
Thomason, Emma, WF, 1 2, born NC
Thomason, Mollie, WF, 10, born NC (Mary)
Thomason, Billie, WF, 8 , born NC (Bettie)
Thomason, Ortie, WF, 6, born NC (Octavia?)
Thomason, Fran ces, WF, 2, born NC (Fannie)
Thomason, James, WM, 7/12, born NC
1880 Census o f Mecklenburg County, NC, Mallard Creek, Twp 8, Vol 14, ED
110, Sheet 9,
DW 78, FM, 78:
Thomasson, J. B., WM, 45, farmer and Justice of the Peace, born N C
Thomasson, M. A., WF, 44, wife, keeping house, born NC (Mary Ann)
Thomasson , E. R., WF, 21, daughter, born NC (Emma Reeta)
Thomasson, M. I., WF, 19, daug hter, born NC (Mary Isabella)
Thomasson, B. J., WF, 17, daughter, born NC (Bet tie Jane)
Thomasson, O. M., WF, 15, daughter, born NC (Margaret Sara Octavia?)
Thomasson, F. C., WF, 12, daughter, born NC (Frances)
Thomasson, J. T., WM, 8, son, born NC (James)
Thomasson, D. P., WM, 6, son, born NC (Daniel Penick)
Thomasson, J. O., WM, 2, son, born NC (John Ohlar/Oehlar?)
Living next door i s D. T. Thomasson, WM, 76, born NC
Ramah Presbyterian Church Birth Records:
Emma Reeta Thomason, born 20 Oct 1858, da ughter of John Thomason
Mary Isabella Thomason, baptised 3 Nov 1860, daughter of John Thomason
Bettie Jane Thomason, born 16 Aug 1862, daughter of John Thom ason
Margaret Sara Octavia Thomason, born 4 May 1865, daughter of John Thomaso n
John and Mary Ann attended Poplar Tent Presbyterian between 1867 and 1874.
John Ohlar Thomason, born 18 Mar 1874, child of John B. Thomason
Annie May Tho mason, born 10 Aug 1877, child of John B. Thomason
On August 10, 1894, a Joh n B. Thomasson transferred membership to Ramah
"on certificate from Huntersvi lle."