REFN: 8491
[Peggy Reece Bruckner.GED]
Marilyn Brown, Charlotte, NC (marbrown@@ wingate.edu - email 12/15/99):
Some of my information on to Barnetts came from "A genealogical record of
the antecedents and decendants of William Graham B arnett, son of Thomas
Barnett, grandson of Hugh Barnett, Mid 1700's - 1983," compiled by Mrs.
George Marshall Barnette - a typewritten manuscript which I don't think
ever published. William Graham Barnett (my ancestor) would h ave been a
brother of Mary Barnett, who married David Turner Thomason, accord ing to
this source (there's the "Turner").
"Thomas Barnett - settled five mi les south of Davidson College in
Mecklenburg County, N.C. Revolutionary War. Thomas married Mary Graham
(1765-1/27/1788). Birth and death dates for Thomas vary somewhat and both
show some discrepancies: (1/21/1759 - 4/24/1848) aged 89 y 3 m 24 d, and
(12/31/1759 - 5/24/1848) 89 y. Children: eight."
This ac count shows Mary Barnett's birthdate as 3/01/1785, but when I
added things up , that made her a good bit older than David Thomasson,
which I have no proble m with but it also makes her 46 yrs old when her
first child is born, which I guess is possible. I think some of their
eight children came
from Jane Oehl er's previous marriage, even though this account has them
all together. At fi rst I thought there was a generation error, but in the
abstract of Thomas Bar nett's will, he names David Thomason as his
son-in-law, in fact, I think Thom as is living with them in the 1840
census, where he is identified as a pensio ner.