- b.~ 0990 d.BET. 1038 - 1039

- b.~ 1029 in of Flamsted, Herefordshire, England d.24 MAR 1101/02

- d.30 SEP 992

- b.0972 d.25 FEB 1017/18

- d.1001

- b.1004 d.1034

- d.1019

- d.1 MAR 1057/58

- b.~ 1088 in of Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England d.BET. 1126 - 1160

- b.BET. 960 - 967 in of Hainault, Belgium

- b.0993 in of Montfort, Normandy d.4 FEB 1030/31

- b.1025 in Montfort, Eure, France d.25 Sep 1087 in St. Thomas, France

- b.BET. 995 - 1001 in of Isle de France, France d.> 1051

- b.0964 in of Evreux, Normandy, France d.1037

- b.0986 in Rouen, S-Infr, France d.13 Dec 1067 in Normandy, France

- b.0968 in of Normandy, France

- b.1030 in Evreux, Normandy, France

- b.0972 d.25 FEB 1017/18

- b.1004 d.1034

- d.1 MAR 1057/58
- b.1160 d.29 Dec 1208 in of Flamstead, Hertfordshire

- b.BET. 975 - 980 in of Pontaudemer, Normandy, France d.28 Sep 1044 in Normandy, France

- b.BET. 1010 - 1022 in of Pontaudemer, Normandy, France d.29 Nov 1094 in Abbey de Pre'aux, Pontaudemer, Normandy

- b.0984 in of Pontaudemer, Normandy, France d.20 Sep 1045

- b.~ 1049 in Pont-Audemer (Beaumont), Normandy, France d.05 Jun 1118 in Leicestershire, England

- b.0990 in of Mellent, Normandy , France d.08 Oct 1069

- b.1014 in of Pontaudemer, Normandy, France d.08 Apr 1081

- b.0994 in of Mellent, Normandy , France

- b.1104 in Leicester, Leicestershire d.05 Apr 1168 in Leicester, Leicestershire

- b.Apr 1008 in Bourgogne, France, of Reims, France d.04 Aug 1060 in Vitry-en-Brie, France

- b.~ 1057 in of Vermandois, Normandy, France d.18 Oct 1102 in Tarsus, Cilicie, Turkey

- b.~ 1024 in Kiev, Ukraine d.BET. 1076 - 1089 in France

- b.1081 in of Valois, Bretagne, France d.13 FEB 1130/31 in England or St. Nicaise, Meulan, France

- b.~ 1032 in of Vermandois, Normandy, France d.~ 1080 in France

- b.~ 1062 in of Valois, Bretagne, France d.23 Sep 1120 in Vermandois, Normandy or Meulan, France

- b.1032 in of Valois, Bretagne, France d.1080

- b.1125 in of Leicester, Leicestershire d.> 1185

- b.1026 d.21 Dec 1057

- b.BET. 1040 - 1052 in of Montfort, Normandy & of Gael, Brittany d.1096

- b.BET. 1024 - 1026 d.1099

- b.1030 in of Poitiers, Poitou, France d.20 FEB 1070/71 in Flanders

- b.BET. 1056 - 1058 in of Bréteuil, Normandy, France d.BET. 1095 - 1096

- b.~ 1035 d.1058

- b.BET. 1100 - 1108 in of Norfolk, England d.1168