Custom Field:<_FA#> Succeeded to the family estates in Normandy.@@S005967@@
Cust om Field:<_FA#> sn de Veulles, Pre'aux, Torville, & du Ponteaitorf.@@S005967@@
C ustom Field:<_FA#> Furnished 60 armed vessels for the fleet of the Conqueror.@@S 005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Regent of Normandy when the Conqueror invaded Engl and.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Munificently endowed the Abbey of Pre'aux, h e became a monk there late in life.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Recorded in t he Domesday Book as holding Sturminster Marshal in Dorset.@@S005967@@
Custom Fie ld:<_FA#> Norman companion with William the Conqueror.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:< _FA#> Took his name from Beaumont in Normandy.@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Bu ried at Preaux, France.@@S005856@@@@S005967@@
Custom Field:<_FA#> Seigneur de St. Lenfroy, de Montfort, de Brone, de Sahus, & de la Crax.@@S005856@@@@S005967@@
REFN : 5042
Touroude ..., Torf), born about 1010, succeeded to the family estates in
Normandy, as Sire du Ponteaudemer, Seigneur de Veulles, Pre'aux,
Torvill e, and du Ponteaitorf, and Seigneur de Beaumont (or Bellomont), by
which last name he came to be generally described. By his marriage he
greatly increase d the possessions and prestige of the family, and he rose
to be one of the mo st powerful feudal noblemen of his age in Normandy.
When William the Conquero r invaded England in 1066, Roger de Beaumont
furnished sixty armed vessels fo r the fleet and was left in charge of the
government of Normandy when the Con queror started on the expedition. He
munificently endowed the Abbey of Pre'a ux, of which late in life he
became a monk; and dying in 1094 at advanced age , he was buried in this
monastery at Ponteaudemer, Normandy. (P) He married about 1040, ADELINE
DE MEULLANT, daughter and eventually sole heiress of Wale ran, Comte de
Meullant, a great feudal nobleman of France. She died in 1081. (P)
Children .... [see under their names]."
--- J Gardner Bartlett, *Newbe rry Genealogy*, Boston, 1914, p 4-5
Roger de BEAUMONT was born about 1010 in " of" Pont Audemer, N, France.
IGI has abt 1022. So does Roderick W Stuart, *R oyalty for Commoners*,
2nd edn, 1992, p 161 (lin 220) He died in 1094. OR: Roger de BELLOMONT
"The same thing is true of Beaumont [i.e., the name "may w ell be Norman
or at
least French in origin".] There was a Roger de Beaumont recorded in the
Domesday Book as holding Sturminster Marshal in Dorset, and this Roger
certainly took his name from Beaumont in Normandy. From Roger des cended
the Counts of Meulan, the old Earls of Leicester, and the old Earls of
--- Leslie Gilbert Pine, *They Came with the Conqueror, A study of the
descendants of the Normans", London (Evans Brothers Ltd) 1954, p 106-107