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Arnoul, II
Birth, Arnoul, II
Thornton, William
Castille, Eleanor of
Death, Castille, Eleanor of
Birth, Herbert, I
Herbert, I
Death, England, Matilda Princess of
England, Matilda Princess of
Savage, John
Death, Savage, John
Birth, Greville, Margaret
Greville, Margaret
Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Death, Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Birth, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Death, Malcolm, I
Malcolm, I
Sheldon, Anne
Aquitaine, Eleanor of
Savage, Anthony
Birth, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Savage, Christopher
Birth, Savage, Christopher
Death, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Great, Alfred the
Conqueror, William I the
Death, Conqueror, William I the
Goushill, Robert
Birth, Goushill, Robert
Robinson, Frances
Birth, Robinson, Frances
Birth, Fitzalan, Richard III
Fitzalan, Richard III
Edward, I
Death, Edward, I
Death, Baudouin, IV
Baudouin, IV
Magnificent, Edmund the
Birth, Magnificent, Edmund the
Death, Scotland, St Margaret of
Scotland, St Margaret of
Conqueror, William I the
Burial, Conqueror, William I the
Lygon, Anne
Elder, Edward the
Marriage, Family of Elder, Edward the and Eadgifu
Birth, Thornton, Elizabeth
Thornton, Elizabeth
Provence, Eleanor of
Thornton, Thomas
Birth, Thornton, Thomas
, Alfflaed
Thornton, William
Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Goushill, Robert
Marriage, Family of Goushill, Robert and Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Birth, , Alfgifu
, Alfgifu
Death, Leigarde
Thornton, Francis
Birth, Thornton, Francis
Hungary, Agatha of
Birth, Hungary, Agatha of
Constantine, I
Plantagenet, Elizabeth
Birth, Hildegard
Castille, Eleanor of
Vermandois, Countess of
Savage, Anthony
Birth, Savage, Anthony
Death, "Lackland", John
"Lackland", John
Death, Thornton, Robert
Thornton, Robert
Death, Thornton, Thomas
Thornton, Thomas
Aldborough, Agnes
Birth, Aldborough, Agnes
England, Matilda Princess of
Savage, John
Birth, Savage, John
Layton, Jane
Death, Layton, Jane
Cunigunde, Bertha
Birth, Cunigunde, Bertha
Thornton, Elizabeth
Arnoul, I
Death, Arnoul, I
Death, Herbert, II
Herbert, II
Mercia, Ealgyth of
Birth, Mercia, Ealgyth of
Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Birth, Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Greville, Margaret
Greville, William
Stanley, Thomas
Death, Stanley, Thomas
Birth, Baudouin, V
Baudouin, V
Death, Kenneth, II
Kenneth, II
"Lackland", John
Birth, "Lackland", John
de Vermandois, Alix
Greville, William
Birth, Greville, William
, Alfflaed
Birth, , Alfflaed
Birth, Brereton, Eleanor
Brereton, Eleanor
Savage, John
Birth, Lygon, Anne
Lygon, Anne
Herbert, II
Exile", Edward the Atheling "the
Robert, I
Marriage, Family of Robert, I and Adele
Peaceful, Edgar the
Birth, Peaceful, Edgar the
Thornton, William
de Vermandois, Alix
Death, de Vermandois, Alix
Scotland, Matilda of
Birth, Scotland, Matilda of
Thornton, Robert
Birth, Thornton, Robert
de Bohun, Humphrey
Death, de Bohun, Humphrey
Birth, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Birth, Canmore, Malcolm III
Canmore, Malcolm III
de Luxembourg, Ogive
Birth, de Luxembourg, Ogive
Conqueror, William I the
Marriage, Family of Conqueror, William I the and Flanders, Maud of
Flanders, Maud of
Peaceful, Edgar the
Savage, Ralph
Thornton, William
Death, Exile", Edward the Atheling "the
Exile", Edward the Atheling "the
Birth, de Badlesmere, Elizabeth
de Badlesmere, Elizabeth
Death, Malcolm, II
Malcolm, II
Birth, Eadgifu
Sheldon, Anne
Birth, Sheldon, Anne
Birth, Flanders, Maud of
Flanders, Maud of
, Crinan
, Aethelwulf
de Swynnerton, Maud
Birth, de Swynnerton, Maud
Pippin, Carloman
Death, Pippin, Carloman
, Alfflaed
Marriage, Family of Redeless, Aethelred II the and , Alfflaed
Redeless, Aethelred II the
Birth, de Bohun, Humphrey
de Bohun, Humphrey
Birth, Savage, John
Savage, John
Canmore, Malcolm III
Death, Canmore, Malcolm III
Birth, , Bernard
, Bernard
Birth, Provence, Eleanor of
Provence, Eleanor of
Death, Thornton, Francis
Thornton, Francis
Death, Egbert
Death, Magnificent, Edmund the
Magnificent, Edmund the
England, Matilda Princess of
Birth, England, Matilda Princess of
de Bohun, Humphrey
Marriage, Family of de Bohun, Humphrey and Plantagenet, Elizabeth
Plantagenet, Elizabeth
Redeless, Aethelred II the
Death, Elder, Edward the
Elder, Edward the
Savage, Alice
Birth, Savage, Alice
de Bohun, William
Birth, de Bohun, William
Great, Alfred the
Marriage, Family of Great, Alfred the and , Ealhswith
, Ealhswith
Donald, II
Death, Donald, II
Edward, I
Birth, Edward, I
Death, Savage, John
Savage, John
Quentin, Pepin II
Death, Quentin, Pepin II
Death, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Birth, Layton, Jane
Layton, Jane
Marriage, Family of Thornton, William and Rowland, Elizabeth
Thornton, William
Rowland, Elizabeth
Death, mac Crinan, Duncan I
mac Crinan, Duncan I
Westby, Barbara
Birth, Westby, Barbara
Death, , Ealhswith
, Ealhswith
Goushill, Joan
Birth, Goushill, Joan
Stanley, Anne
Birth, Stanley, Anne
Conqueror, William I the
Birth, Conqueror, William I the
Mantel", Henry II "Curt
Thornton, Francis
de Badlesmere, Elizabeth
Death, de Badlesmere, Elizabeth
"Beauclerc", Henry I
Scotland, Matilda of
Marriage, Family of "Beauclerc", Henry I and Scotland, Matilda of
MacAlpin, Kenneth
Death, Ealfthryth
Lygon, Richard
Birth, Lygon, Richard
Baudouin, IV
, Alfgifu
Grey, Isabel
Death, Grey, Isabel
Angouleme, Isabella of
Birth, Angouleme, Isabella of
Burial, Edward, I
Edward, I
Birth, Savage, Christopher
Savage, Christopher
Death, Cunigunde, Bertha
Cunigunde, Bertha
Thornton, William
Death, Thornton, William
Birth, , Ealhswith
, Ealhswith
Conqueror, William I the
Birth, Conqueror, William I the
Birth, Leigarde
Savage, Christopher
de Bohun, William
Death, de Bohun, William
Birth, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Henry, III
Birth, Henry, III
Birth, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
, Bernard
Death, , Bernard
Scotland, St Margaret of
Thornton, Robert
Savage, Walter
Death, , Aethelwulf
, Aethelwulf
de Luxembourg, Ogive
de Morvois, Bertha
Canmore, Malcolm III
Death, Flanders, Maud of
Flanders, Maud of
Aldborough, Agnes
Death, Eadgifu
Savage, Alice
Death, Savage, Alice
Birth, Exile", Edward the Atheling "the
Exile", Edward the Atheling "the
Burial, Henry, III
Henry, III
Thornton, Robert
Birth, Adele
Angouleme, Isabella of
Burial, Angouleme, Isabella of
Savage, Alice
Thornton, Francis
Marriage, Family of Thornton, Francis and Savage, Alice
Robert, I
Death, Robert, I
Great, Alfred the
Death, Great, Alfred the
Death, Susanne
mac Crinan, Duncan I
Savage, Walter
Birth, Savage, Walter
, Ealhswith
Constable, Sarah
Angouleme, Isabella of
"Lackland", John
Marriage, Family of "Lackland", John and Angouleme, Isabella of
Marriage, Family of Edward, I and Castille, Eleanor of
Castille, Eleanor of
Edward, I
"Ironsides", Edmund II
Death, "Ironsides", Edmund II
Death, Aldborough, Agnes
Aldborough, Agnes
Thornton, Thomas
Thornton, Francis
Death, Thornton, Francis
Thornton, William
Death, Scotland, Matilda of
Scotland, Matilda of
Layton, Jane
Peaceful, Edgar the
Marriage, Family of Peaceful, Edgar the and Ealfthryth
Birth, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Goushill, Robert
Death, Goushill, Robert
Thornton, Francis
Grey, Isabel
Malcolm, II
Death, Henry, III
Henry, III
Hungary, Agatha of
Mercia, Ealgyth of
Conqueror, William I the
Marriage, Family of Conqueror, William I the and Flanders, Maud of
Flanders, Maud of
Death, , Charlemagne
, Charlemagne
Thornton, William
Westby, Barbara
Death, Mantel", Henry II "Curt
Mantel", Henry II "Curt
Birth, "Plantaganent", Geoffrey V
"Plantaganent", Geoffrey V
Birth, Redeless, Aethelred II the
Redeless, Aethelred II the
Magnificent, Edmund the
Birth, Thornton, Francis
Thornton, Francis
Birth, Arnoul, I
Arnoul, I
Great, Alfred the
Birth, Great, Alfred the
Arnoul, II
Marriage, Family of Arnoul, II and Susanne
Burial, MacAlpin, Kenneth
MacAlpin, Kenneth
"Beauclerc", Henry I
Birth, "Beauclerc", Henry I
Cunigunde, Bertha
Birth, Elder, Edward the
Elder, Edward the
Arnoul, II
Quentin, Pepin II
Birth, Quentin, Pepin II
Stanley, Thomas
Marriage, Family of Magnificent, Edmund the and , Alfgifu
Magnificent, Edmund the
, Alfgifu
Flanders, Maud of
Death, Flanders, Maud of
Robinson, Frances
Baudouin, III
Newton, Isabel
Baudouin, V
Marriage, Family of Baudouin, V and Adela
Quentin, Pepin II
"Ironsides", Edmund II
Birth, "Ironsides", Edmund II
Birth, Flanders, Maud of
Flanders, Maud of
Birth, Baudouin, III
Baudouin, III
Death, "Plantaganent", Geoffrey V
"Plantaganent", Geoffrey V
Birth, Mantel", Henry II "Curt
Mantel", Henry II "Curt
Henry, III
"Beauclerc", Henry I
Conqueror, William I the
Birth, Osburga
Birth, Adela
Marriage, Family of Baudouin, IV and de Luxembourg, Ogive
de Luxembourg, Ogive
Baudouin, IV
"Lackland", John
Burial, "Lackland", John
Death, , Crinan
, Crinan
Thornton, Robert
Death, Thornton, Robert
Birth, Bertha
Peaceful, Edgar the
Death, Peaceful, Edgar the
Robert, I
Scotland, Matilda of
Savage, John
Birth, Savage, John
, Bernard
Thornton, Robert
Birth, Grey, Isabel
Grey, Isabel
Thornton, William
Birth, Thornton, William
Baudouin, V
Death, Baudouin, V
, Bethoc
Arnoul, I
Birth, Thornton, Robert
Thornton, Robert
de Bohun, Elizabeth
Brereton, Eleanor
de Luxembourg, Ogive
Death, de Luxembourg, Ogive
Savage, Francis
Stanley, Katherine
Burial, Mantel", Henry II "Curt
Mantel", Henry II "Curt
"Lackland", John
Birth, Ealfthryth
de Bohun, Elizabeth
Marriage, Family of Fitzalan, Richard III and de Bohun, Elizabeth
Fitzalan, Richard III
Elder, Edward the
Death, Thornton, Elizabeth
Thornton, Elizabeth
Thornton, William
Death, Thornton, William
Death, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Marriage, Family of , Charlemagne and Hildegard
, Charlemagne
Aquitaine, Eleanor of
Birth, Aquitaine, Eleanor of
Savage, Alice
Aquitaine, Eleanor of
Death, Aquitaine, Eleanor of
Angouleme, Isabella of
Birth, Constable, Sarah
Constable, Sarah
Pippin, Carloman
Marriage, Family of Pippin, Carloman and Bertha
Death, Westby, Barbara
Westby, Barbara
Death, Arnoul, II
Arnoul, II
, Charlemagne
Fitzalan, Richard III
Birth, de Morvois, Bertha
de Morvois, Bertha
Savage, Anthony
Death, Savage, Anthony
Baudouin, V
Death, Herbert, I
Herbert, I
de Bohun, Humphrey
Goushill, Joan
Thornton, Robert
Death, Thornton, Robert
Scotland, St Margaret of
Marriage, Family of Canmore, Malcolm III and Scotland, St Margaret of
Canmore, Malcolm III
Herbert, II
Birth, Herbert, II
de Badlesmere, Elizabeth
"Ironsides", Edmund II
Edward, I
Herbert, I
Savage, Christopher
Death, Savage, Christopher
Death, Redeless, Aethelred II the
Redeless, Aethelred II the
Death, Fitzalan, Richard III
Fitzalan, Richard III
Death, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Donald, II
Birth, Newton, Isabel
Newton, Isabel
Lygon, Richard
Rowland, Elizabeth
Birth, Thornton, Robert
Thornton, Robert
Savage, Christopher
Death, Savage, Christopher
Death, Adela
Goushill, Robert
Stanley, Anne
Robert, I
Birth, Robert, I
Tolliferro, Mary
Birth, Redburga
Fitz Alan, Elizabeth
Lygon, Richard
Death, Lygon, Richard
Herbert, II
Marriage, Family of Herbert, II and Leigarde
Birth, Baudouin, IV
Baudouin, IV
Death, Plantagenet, Elizabeth
Plantagenet, Elizabeth
Scotland, St Margaret of
Birth, Scotland, St Margaret of
Castille, Eleanor of
Birth, Castille, Eleanor of
de Bohun, Elizabeth
Death, de Bohun, Elizabeth
Death, Baudouin, III
Baudouin, III
Malcolm, I
Tolliferro, Mary
Death, Tolliferro, Mary
Aquitaine, Eleanor of
Marriage, Family of Mantel", Henry II "Curt and Aquitaine, Eleanor of
Mantel", Henry II "Curt
mac Crinan, Duncan I
Birth, mac Crinan, Duncan I
Stanley, Katherine
Birth, Stanley, Katherine
de Bohun, Elizabeth
Birth, de Bohun, Elizabeth
Savage, Christopher
Savage, John
Birth, Plantagenet, Elizabeth
Plantagenet, Elizabeth
Birth, Tolliferro, Mary
Tolliferro, Mary
Constantine, I
Death, Constantine, I
Death, Hildegard
Conqueror, William I the
Death, Conqueror, William I the
Marriage, Family of "Plantaganent", Geoffrey V and England, Matilda Princess of
England, Matilda Princess of
"Plantaganent", Geoffrey V
Flanders, Maud of
Stanley, Thomas
Birth, Stanley, Thomas
Angouleme, Isabella of
Death, Angouleme, Isabella of
"Plantaganent", Geoffrey V
Death, Savage, John
Savage, John
Castille, Eleanor of
Burial, Castille, Eleanor of
Thornton, William
Kenneth, II
, Charlemagne
Birth, , Charlemagne
Death, Newton, Isabel
Newton, Isabel
Savage, Ralph
Birth, Savage, Ralph
Birth, Savage, Francis
Savage, Francis
Pippin, Carloman
Burial, "Beauclerc", Henry I
"Beauclerc", Henry I
Greville, William
Death, Greville, William
de Badlesmere, Elizabeth
de Bohun, William
Marriage, Family of de Bohun, William and de Badlesmere, Elizabeth
de Swynnerton, Maud
Death, "Beauclerc", Henry I
"Beauclerc", Henry I
Birth, Vermandois, Countess of
Vermandois, Countess of
Death, Thornton, William
Thornton, William
Pippin, Carloman
Birth, Pippin, Carloman
Savage, Ralph
Marriage, Family of Savage, Ralph
Henry, III
Marriage, Family of Henry, III and Provence, Eleanor of
Provence, Eleanor of
Provence, Eleanor of
Death, Provence, Eleanor of
Hall, Elizabeth
de Bohun, William
Savage, John
Birth, Hall, Elizabeth
Hall, Elizabeth