Note Lamar Cty, on MS border, is directly W of St. Clair Cty.
1880 US Census (Jun 8), residing for T. 14 R. 15, Lamar Cty, AL, head of household, occupation laborer, age 57 (est birth yr 1823, b. AL, father's birth state not indicated, mother b. GA (sic)), living with wife Emilia (age 55, b. AL, parents both b. AL), son James D. (?) (age 26, laborer, b. AL), dtrs Margret (24, AL), Martha (23, AL), sons Benjamin (13, AL), William (11, AL) and dtr Sarah L. (17, AL)
may have confused parents' places of birth, cf. assumed father Ausborn's record
possible match: 1850 US Census (Nov 27), residing in District 39, St. Clair Cty, AL, head of h/hold is laborer Osburn HOOD 23 AL, living with (wife) Melissa 24 AL, and (dtr) Margaret 1 AL. Next door are (cousin? brother?) farmer William/Elizabeth HOOD 2525 AL/AL (not a match for William P. 1834 AL) and 4 children James H. 8, Austin 6, John 4 and Margaret 2, next to them are Harrison/Williiam/Margaret HOOD 34/17/56 AL/AL/GA. Nearby are also Joshua/Margaret HOOD 22/20 AL/AL..
record citation: Page: 149 Roll: M432_14
likely match, marriage record: Spouse 1: Ausburn Hood Spouse 2: Melissa Jones Marriage Date: 07 Jan 1847 Marriage Place: St. Clair Surety/Bond Date: 07 Jan 1847 OSPage: 178
Apparently in father's h/hold in 1840, 1830:
1840 US Census, residing in St. Clair Cty, AL, head of h/hold is Osborn HOOD, male-female 0101001-1111001001, thus one male 5-10 (b 1830-1835, William P.), one male 15-20 (b 1820-1825, prob. Ausborn II), and one male 40-50 (b 1790-1800, Ausborn I), plus one female 0-5 (b 1835-1840, Sarah E.), one 5-10 (b 1830-1835, Celia M.), one 10-15 (b 1825-1830, Melissa), one 15-20 (b 1820-1825, unknown dtr), one 40-50 (b 1790-1800, Elizabeth) and one 70-80.(b 1770-1780, probably Ausborn or Elizabeth's mother). St. Clair Cty has four other HOOD heads of h/hold: Burwell, James, Robert, and Rowland. AL has a total of 45 HOOD h/holds at this date.
record citation: Roll: 14 Page: 238
1830 US Census (officially Jun 1), residing in St. Clair Cty, AL, head of h/hold is Osborn HOOD, male-female 01001-11001, thus one male 5-10 (b 1820-1825, prob. Ausborn II), one 20-30 (b 1820-1830, Ausborn I), one female 0-5 (b 1825-1830), one 5-10 (b 1830-1835), and one 20-30 (b 1820-1830, Elizabeth). Living next door is possibly Ausburn's father, John HOOD 000000001-0001001001, thus one male 60-70 (b 1760-1770, John), one female 15-20 (b 1810-1815), one 40-50 (b 1780-1790) and one 70-80 (b 1750-1760). At this date, St. Clair Cty contains two other HOOD h/holds: Austin 0010101-000001 (thus Austin 40-50, wife 30-40, two male children) and Robert 112001-220101 (thus Robert 30-40, wife 30-40, four sons, five daughters). There were 17 other HOOD families in AL at this date.
record citation: Roll: 4 Page: 240
Occupation Details
Ausborn II's occupation was laborer (1880 US Census).