Source: BB using US censuses.
Kay Franklin's website:
Londonderry, Ireland
Philadelphia, Moyamensing Ward, Pennsylvania
Lee County, Iowa
MiscMartha had red hair
DeathAug 15 1895
Monte Ne, Benton County, Arkansas
BurialAug 1895
Hickory Creek Cemetery, Benton
Co, Arkansas
On board the OSCEOLA from Glasgow to NYC, April 16,
1847, these names are together:
James Bruster, 50, farmer
Mary Bruster, 48
Jane Bruster, 20
Hugh Creelman,16
Ann Creelman, 14
M.J. Creelman, 6 mos
This simply HAS to be this Hugh Creelman and his wife Anne Brewster as the 6 month old child, M J Brewster, has to be Martha Jane, their daughter. Why they should be listed as aged only 16 and 14 is a total mystery. As are the Brewsters with whom they were travelling.