Source: Aghadowey Church of Ireland Marriage register as per transcription at the BV site:
BOYD Thomas 11/10/1850 31-b-f Collins William f ELLIOTT
Mary 22-s Killeague Joseph f
Also this from the Londonderry Sentinel:
50-198 18-Oct-50
On the 10th inst., in the Parish Church of Aughadoey, by the Rev. Robert Alexander, Mr. Thomas Boyd, Collins near Coleraine, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. Joseph Elliott,
Lisnacloon, Castlederg, county Tyrone. (How did she get moved to County Tyrone?! Answer, she may have been staying with Thomas' folks at Killeague as he was from Collins according to his marriage record.) I have now viewed the Civil Record of the marriage and it shows that Thomas was indeed living in Collins, he was a farmer, his father was William Boyd, a farmer and one of the witnesses was Kennedy Boyd. This suggests Thomas was indeed a brother of Kennedy Boyd and both were the sons of William Boyd of The Collins.
There are no Boyds in "Cuileans" in Pyke's 1725 Survey and none in "Cullans" in Alsop's 1765 Survey.
The TAB for Aghadowey shows the following:
Collins: John Wilson, Esq.,let to Thomas and William BOYD(20), Alexander BOYD (10). This Thomas is too young to be the Thomas mentioned in the TAB.
The only Boyd in Collins in the GV is Thomas Boyd - but according to the history below, he left for America in 1852.
From "History of the Boyd Family and Descendants with Historical Sketches." by William Phillip Boyd, 1912.
The great grandfather of this family was John Boyd of
The Callius," Derry County, Ireland, who had a son
William, and he a son Thomas, that came to America to
our history back into the old country from the latter
is very
Thomas was born at The Callius in the County of Derry
in that romantic country in 1817. Here he was united
in marriage
October 10, 1850 to Miss Mary Elliott, who was born at
Lisnabriar, Castlederry, County Tyrone, March 27,
1826. On
January 1, 1852 they bid farewell to their friends
there and set
out for America; landing at New York March loth of
that year.
Upon their arrival here, they found that the cholera
had broken
out in the city, and he volunteered as a nurse in the
cholera hospital
for a time. After remaining in New York until 1862, he
enlisted in Company E., 5th New York Heavy Artillery
served through the war until his regiment was mustered
out in
May of 1865. He breathed his last here January 2,1870,
and she
died here also December 14, 1886. Their family
consisted of
four children namely:
First, Charles Mathews Boyd, was born at Castlederry,
Ireland, September 13, 1851. While his parents were on
journey over the ocean, he was taken sick and died and
at sea in March of 1852.
Second child of Thomas and Mary (Elliott) Boyd was
Annie Boyd. She was born in New York, February n,
1853, [
and died at the same place June 26, 1902. She married
for her
husband J. R. Allen at New York , who was born
at County Cork, Ireland, September 15, 1843, an
York March 17, 1912. Their children are Mrs. Louis
Bumges (
Mary Elliott), Annie E., Robert H., Mrs. Robert
Meagher (
Mabel D.), Margaret G., Lilly A. and Fanny Boyd, all
William J., Martha Francis and Thomas deceased.
Third, William J. Boyd, the second son of Thomas and
Elliott Boyd, was born in the third ward of New York
September 12, 1854; married for his first wife Fanny
the eldest daughter of Robert and Mary Swanton at
Caledonia, N. Y.,
September 13, 1882, who died in New York City, October
19, 1904, leaving no children. For his second wife he
Miss Mary Virginia Place, the youngest daughter of
Robert M.
and Jennie B. Place of Caledonia, N. Y., who was born
at the
latter place June 26, 1872. Their marriage took place
November 16, 1905.
William J. Boyd is now the only member of his father's
family living. In 1859 he commenced going to school in
old St. Paul Chapel day school in Trinity Parish, New
City, and remained a member of the Parish until his
removal to
Caledonia, N. Y. in 1909, thus having spent fifty
years in the
Trinity Parish and included within that time twenty
years verger
in the old Trinity Church. In June of 1869 he entered
employ of McDowell & Dickinson, dealers in fancy
groceries, and
remained in their employ for nearly nineteen years.
After leaving
them he entered the employ of Reiss & Brady, October
5, 1888,
now known as the Cresca Company, Importers and Packers
fancy groceries and delicacies of New York City. Now
he is a
member of the firm of C.& E. Place & Boyd of
Caledonia, N. Y.
He is still in the employ of the Cresca Company,
looking after
their interest in Pittsburgh, Pa.; also a member of
St. Andrews
Episcopal Church of Caledonia, N. Y., where he is a
Lay Reader and frequently officiates there, assisting
the Rector
and holding service in his absence. He is a life
member of the
Masonic fraternity; a member of Brooklyn Lodge No.
F. & A. M., and a member of the Brotherhood of St.
Andrews. ,