Al says the two William Bellinghams went to America together in....
He was living and working with my grandparents in Locust Valley, NY in 1918 - Al Luce says, "I have just discovered a partial index to the World War I US Draft Registration cards (1917 - 1918). The index is part of the subscription service. I did find a listing for a Thomas Gordon, native of Ireland, born: 29 Feb 1884, living with his wife, Margaret, in Locust Valley, NY and working as a farmer for an A. Burchard. Also registering from Locust Valley are: Thomas Bellingham (wife: Lavinia), working as a farmer for the same person and William J Bellingham (wife: no name given) born: Vow, No Ireland, working as an Insurance Broker. William registered in the first draft call on 5 Jun 1917 and the Thomases registered in the third call on 12 Sep 1918."