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Peter Simpson 1901

1901 census
Name Peter Simpson
Age 38
Estimated Birth Year abt 1863
Relationship Head
Spouse's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Male
Where born Burntisland, fifeshire
Registration Number 694
Registration district Midcalder
Civil parish Midcalder
County Midlothian
Address 41 Old Rows
Occupation Shale Miner
ED 5
Household schedule number 39
Line 22
Roll CSSCT1901_404

Name Jane Simpson
Age 39
Estimated Birth Year abt 1862
Relationship Wife
Spouse's Name Peter Simpson
Gender Female
Where born Paisley, Renfrewshire

Name John Lafferty
Age 19
Estimated Birth Year abt 1882
Relationship Son
Father's Name Peter Simpson
Mother's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Male
Where born Paisley, Renfrewshire
Occupation Brick Layer

Name Robert Lafferty
Age 17
Estimated Birth Year abt 1884
Relationship Son
Father's Name Peter Simpson
Mother's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Male
Where born Paisley, Renfrewshire
Occupation General Labourer

Name Jane Lafferty [Jane Simpson]
Age 15
Estimated Birth Year abt 1886
Relationship Daur (Daughter)
Father's Name Peter Simpson
Mother's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Female
Where born Paisley, Renfrewshire
Occupation Scholar

Name Joseph Lafferty
Age 11
Estimated Birth Year abt 1890
Relationship Son
Father's Name Peter Simpson
Mother's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Male
Where born Pumpherston, Edinburghshire
Occupation Scholar

Name Malcolm Lafferty
Age 9
Estimated Birth Year abt 1892
Relationship Son
Father's Name Peter Simpson
Mother's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Male
Where born Pumpherston, Edinburghshire
Occupation Scholar

Name Peter Simpson
Age 3
Estimated Birth Year abt 1898
Relationship Son
Father's Name Peter Simpson
Mother's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Male
Where born Pumpherston, Edinburghshire

Name Margaret Simpson
Age 1 Mo
Estimated Birth Year abt 1901
Relationship Daur (Daughter)
Father's Name Peter Simpson
Mother's Name Jane Simpson
Gender Female
Where born Pumpherston, Edinburghshire
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by The author/originator was General Register Office, Scotland. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

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