"Judge of the county court for 12 years until death"
3/29/1672 Town Records, New Haven 1662-1684, p.18 "I, John Maltbie of New
haven in New England, Merchant, in consideration of my beloved brother, Wi
lliam Maltbie, new resident in Newhaven in New England, Merchant, ingagi
ng with mee in a bond for the payment of 35 pounds in pork and pease un
to Mr. Richard Raymond, Senior, of Saybrook, in New England, Mariner, some
time in March next s in and by said bond doth more fully appear. Have a
nd by those presents Dos, by way of Mortgare, made ever unto my beloved br
other, Wm. Malbie, afsd.: Three horses, one cropt on both ears called Benn
y, one bay horse and one black horse, which sd. horses I have wronght wi
th you last winter. Also one horse cart and wheels with all the irons the
reunto belonging, also the harness for the adsd. horses, also one plow a
nd irons with a tense of Rape seed, also one mare with what stock of he
rs may be with her at a place called Eaton's Neck on Long Island, also o
ne cow now at home and a heifer in the keeping of Thomas Mecker, also fo
ur pigges now at home, also one case of pistalls and houlsters and one g
un for his security in case any damage shall come to him by ye afsd. ingag
ement upon my -----; and in case of faylure of payment on my part (by anth
ing that may fall out) of the aforesaid sume of 35 pounds, that my belov
ed brother aforsd., be neceessitated thereby to make good the same, then t
he aforesd. houses, horse cart and wheels, harness, plow, rape seed, ma
re and stocks, cow, heifer, pigges, pistalls and gun shall be ye proper Es
tate of my sd. brother, his hayres or assignes for ever; or so much of th
em as shall be to his full satisfaction. But in case of payment by mee ma
de, or my order according to the said bond without Damage to my sd. brothe
r. That then the aforesd. Estate mortgage, to return to mee, my hayr
es or assignes, or just satisfaction for any part of that may bee made u
se by my sd. brother. In witness hereof I have hereunto sett my hand a
nd seal this twenty-nith Day of March, Anno Domini, one thousand six hundr
ed and seventy-two. Signed, sealed and delivered. In the presence of Jam
es Bishop and John Maltbie with Martha Roundletell (her mark.)"
"Judge of the county court for 12 years until death"
3/29/1672 Town Records, New Haven 1662-1684, p.18 "I, John Maltbie of New
haven in New England, Merchant, in consideration of my beloved brother, Wi
lliam Maltbie, new resident in Newhaven in New England, Merchant, ingagi
ng with mee in a bond for the payment of 35 pounds in pork and pease un
to Mr. Richard Raymond, Senior, of Saybrook, in New England, Mariner, some
time in March next s in and by said bond doth more fully appear. Have a
nd by those presents Dos, by way of Mortgare, made ever unto my beloved br
other, Wm. Malbie, afsd.: Three horses, one cropt on both ears called Benn
y, one bay horse and one black horse, which sd. horses I have wronght wi
th you last winter. Also one horse cart and wheels with all the irons the
reunto belonging, also the harness for the adsd. horses, also one plow a
nd irons with a tense of Rape seed, also one mare with what stock of he
rs may be with her at a place called Eaton's Neck on Long Island, also o
ne cow now at home and a heifer in the keeping of Thomas Mecker, also fo
ur pigges now at home, also one case of pistalls and houlsters and one g
un for his security in case any damage shall come to him by ye afsd. ingag
ement upon my -----; and in case of faylure of payment on my part (by anth
ing that may fall out) of the aforesaid sume of 35 pounds, that my belov
ed brother aforsd., be neceessitated thereby to make good the same, then t
he aforesd. houses, horse cart and wheels, harness, plow, rape seed, ma
re and stocks, cow, heifer, pigges, pistalls and gun shall be ye proper Es
tate of my sd. brother, his hayres or assignes for ever; or so much of th
em as shall be t