"Chr. 15/08/1642, E. Retford, Co. Notts, England"
early malby record "Cavalier's and Pioneers" by N.M.Nugent. viz: p.536 Jn
o. Malby, 1643, at Hempstead, Long Island "Catch Birginia Merchant, is ca
st away, 1665" could be John and William's father? With Col Jno. Carter
John had house at Eaton's Neck, Long Island 30 miles N.E. of Hempstead.
Derby, Conn. record John witnessed a deed dated 1/6/1664 Agreement in N
ew Haven 6/27/1664 recorded in 12/26/1666. A Virginia petition of Col. Jn
o. Carter in 1665 associated with Isaack Allerton of the "Mayflower" who d
ied at New Haven. Westmoreland, Virginia, 10/15/1655 c.1 - 103.
John Winthrop, Junr. letter, 1667 to Richard Nichols, Gov. of NY "Came a l
etter from Mr. Charles Hill of New London, newly arrived from Barbadoes
.. Mr. Malbye. John Maltby in New England in 1664. deed between Lieut. Th
omas Wheler of Pagaset, Conn. and Alexander Bryan of Milford, Conn. witnes
sed by Thomas Oviat, J. Mallbier, John Webb.
John Mallbies witnessed Thomas Wheeler deed Derby, Conn. 1664 "Croutts His
t. of Stratford Conn.
John Webb witnessed with John Mallbier at Derby, Conn.
Town Records, New Haven, Conn. p.4 "I, underwritten, dos acknowledge to ha
ve rec'd of John Maltbie, Twenty gall. of Rum which I due promise to ma
ke sails of (at or upon my arrival in Virginia) is his best advantage, a
nd likewise to make him Returns in the ship with Capt. Newton's good
s, or by the first ship to Mr. John Rocksby, merchant, in Barbadoes, as wi
tness my hand this Twenty-seventh day of June, 1664. John Goring Samuel H
opkins. Apparently John Maltby was not at New Haven in June 1664, as it w
as two years later that he recored the deed. He was probably in Barbado
s. We know the Maltbys had property there as the Inventory of William Mal
tby, junior, nephew of John, in 1701, mentions Estate in Barbadoes.
New Haven, Town Records 1662-1684, p.100) "At a Towne meeting held at N
ew Haven, ffeb. 18, 1666. "Mr. John Maltbie ppounded to you towne for admi
ttance as a planter to buy and sell as he shall see cause. made upon ye t
estimony of John Harriman and John Winston was admitted.
John and Leonard Harriman were Yorkshire Puritans from Bawley, Yorks.
In the "Winthrop Papers, 1666/7 Mass. Hist. Col l. Vol. VIII, Fifth Serie
s, Part IV. p.115 letter from John Winthrop memtions Mr. John Maltby (Malb
6/5/1667 John Maltbie in behalf of Thomas Deleval agent of His Highness, t
he Duke of Youk, and Eachous Sedgwick had a suit.
Winthrop Papers, Vol. VIII, p.508
Newhaven, 4/13/1671 "Here is no news with us, but of Mr. Malby's arival sa
fe at Nevis; that ship he went in being there cast away be herracane aft
er the goods were landed and he since gone for England."
Virginia Bleamings in England list will of Thomas Collins, Citizen and Bar
ber. Chirugion of London dated 6/12/1657 proved 10/15/1657 listed under Ki
nsmen and friends Master Alexander Eaton and Master John Malby. Master in
dicating young men of good family
Probate Record New Haven in New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg. 4/1927 The Invento
ry of the Estate of John Maltbye was taken 4/10/1676 by William Bradley a
nd John Winston. L 58 pounds, 5 shillings, 5 pence.
Branford Rec. Vol. I. p.414 11/13/1671 Branford John witnessed a sale.
New Haven Rec. Vol I. p.175 of Savage Gen. Dict. Vol III p.145 "Jno. Maltb
ye. An inventory of teh Estate of Mr. John Mallbye, reported to be lo
st at sea, ... lots of specific details of inventory.
At an adjourned Court held at New Haven, 1/3/1677. The Inventory of the es
tate of Mr. John Maltby amounting to the sum of 58-5s-5d- he reput
ed to be deceased, exhibited in court, proved and approved for record, th
is court do order Mrs. Mary Maltby, widow, to be Conservator of the Said e
state, until the Country Court in the June next w... At an Adjd. County Co
urt held at New Haven June 25, 1677, Mrs. Mary Maltby having given etc., c
ame etc,. and Mrs. Samuel Balse appeared in h