On the 1867 Taxlist of Taylor Co., Kentucky Avery Warren, 235 acres-Little Brush Creek- $470, 1 cow, total value $470, 6 hogs over 6 months old.
Little is actually known of Avery, other then a few little pieces of info gathered
via the internet, and at the "Family History Center" in Mesa, Arizona.
Also family information provided by Warrens that are of Avery's lineage.
The following gathered from Pattie Warren Wolters: "Most of my information was derived from a book titled "Ancestors and descendants of the Mud Springs-Joe Lee Warens", complied by Floyd T. Warren, a cousin of Daddy's. It is about 5 years old. (1992)"
"Avery Warren, the son of Hugh Warren Jr., and Elizabeth Warren, was born in South Carolina in 1791. (Documented) Avery Warren married Polly Compton, the daughter of John Compton. Following Polly's death he married her sister, Mary Compton...."
"The last information I had on Floyd was that he and his wife lived in the Austin, Texas area. I will try to get his address for you."
The following from World Family Tree Information: World family tree CD 6 lists our lineage from Hugh Senior, to Hugh Junior, to Avery, to Felix Grundy Warren Jr. (No source data listed)
Internet E-mail from Patti Warren Wolters confirms this data as correct. She is the daughter of Robert A. Warren, Son of Felix Grundy Warren Junior, Son Of Felix Grundy Warren Senior, Son Of Avery Warren, Son Of Hugh Warren Jr., Son Of Hugh Warren Senior. Requested a copy of any written records that could confirm this data. Awaiting reply as of 12-07-97.
Internet E-mail confirming Gabriel Warren son of Avery Warren, brother of Felix Grundy Warren. Gabriel married Rebecca Eads 09 Jul 1845 in Casey county, Kentucky. This could explain the absence of Avery and Gabriel of being present or mentioned in Hugh Warren Jr's will in the same month and year.
1820 Green county census, Copy made, lists Avery as the head of house hold. He has 10 people living with him, 6 male, 4 female, excluding him and wife. Being that he was only married in 1818, I would believe some of these folks were relatives living with him at the time.
1830 Avery is not listed on the Green county census index. The Warrens were known to wander off to other states occasionally. Will check neighboring states, although I doubt I will find him listed anywhere in 1830.
1840 census, Microfilm number 007826 lists Avery as the head of household. At this time, he has 4 children living with him. The names are not given in the 1840 census.
1850 census. Copy made, lists Avery, age 59 and Mary, age 52, Hugh, age 21, and Elizabeth, age 19. A question mark is located next to Elizabeths age. This maybe Elizabeth Warren, age 79. Other research by Bill Smith leads us to believe this is correct.
1860 census. Copy made, lists Avery, age 69 and Mary, age 62. He is shown between Felix Grundy (38), and John Warren (36), his two eldest sons. This census lists Avery's birthplace as South Carolina, and wife Mary Compton's as Tennessee.
1870 census. Copy made, lists Avery, age 80 and Mary, age 73. He is shown between Felix Grundy (48), and Hugh(40), his eldest and youngest sons. John (46) is also listed next to Hugh.
Green county, Kentucky Will records, Will books 1 & 2, Inventory book 2, page 102: In the will of John Compton, dated 15 April 1836, it mentioned his daughter Mary Compton Warren, his son-in-law Avery Warren, and his grandson John Warren.
The Kentucky marraige book on file at the Mesa History Center list's Avery Bonded on 3 Aug 1818 to Mary Compton. Witnessed by John Compton, father of Mary.
Little is actually known of Avery, other then a few little pieces of info gathered
via the internet, and at the "Family History Center" in Mesa, Arizona.
Also family information provided by Warrens that are of Avery's lineage.
The following gathered from Pattie Warren Wolters:
"Most of my information was derived from a book titled "Ancestors and
descendants of the M