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Male Macklin Elisha Skaggs Click to view Macklin Elisha Skaggs in the family tree

Macklin Elisha was born on February 28th, 1871 in Taylor Co.,Kentucky.  Macklin Elisha's father was Benjamin Owen Skaggs and his mother is Missouri Ann Carter.  His paternal grandfather was John Cannon Skaggs and his paternal grandmother is Lucinda Shofner. He had five brothers and four sisters, named John Benjamin, William Franklin, Robert W., Jefferson Franklin, Alfred Thomas, Mary E., Rutha Jane, Sarah Ann and Mary Loucinda. He had six half-brothers and a half-sister, named Pleasant Carter, Richard C., James B., Samuel I., Herman Carter, Willie Robert and Catherine Howell.  He died at the age of 84 on May 25th, 1955.  He was buried in Corinth Baptist Cemetery,LaRue Co.,Kentucky.

Macklin Elisha's family with Lou Thompson

‌Macklin Elisha and Lou were married in a religious ceremony on October 2nd, 1895.  They had a son and a daughter, named Joe Mack and Betty.

Sources/Citations, LaRue, Green, and Taylor Co., Kentucky Genealogy, Gene E. Perkins, Gen.Perkins@@charter. net,, Jeremy Johnson's Family Tree and Related Families, Jeremy Johnson,,, abeggskaggs1, Karen Goodwin,,, Skaggs Ancestors and Related Families, Leo Skaggs,,, Ingram & Related Families, Cal Ingram,,, KENTUCKY WARRENS

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