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Female Erma Pairett Click to view Erma Pairett in the family tree

Erma was born on June 30th, 1930 in Miliam Co.,Texas.  Erma's father was Dudley Lee Pairett and her mother was Hazel Underwood.  Her maternal grandparents were Perry Monroe Underwood and LeaNora Gregory. She had two sisters named Bell and Shirley.  She died at the age of 68 on January 17th, 1999 in Temple,Bell Co.,Texas.  She was buried in Val Verde Baptist Church Cementry.

Erma's family with Russell W. Young

‌Erma and Russell W. were married in a religious ceremony on October 18th, 1947 in Rogers,Texas.  They had two sons named Living and Living.

Family Tree, roots and leaves of the family, Lillie Underwood, Phfranke @@Aol.Com, Newspaper Article: Temple Daily Telegram Newpaper, Newspaper: Temple Daily Telegram, Funerals Today section, Cemetery: Headstone information

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