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Female Rebecca Henderson Click to view Rebecca Henderson in the family tree

Rebecca was born on January 30th, 1835 in Greene Co.,Pennsylvania.  Rebecca's father was Alexander Henderson and her mother was Catherine Lemley.  Her maternal grandparents were Isaac Lemley and Margaret Snider. She had four brothers and four sisters, named David, John, James, Lorenzo D., Margaret, Elizabeth, Mary Jane and Catherine.  She was the fourth oldest of the nine children.  She died at the age of 72 on December 12th, 1907.

Rebecca's family with Samuel West

‌Rebecca and Samuel were married in a religious ceremony on March 13th, 1850.

Sources/Citations, Snider-Snyder Descent;Morrison;&Smalley-Oxley-Sterns families, Lelah Achey,,, Hardee Family, William S. Hardee,,, Mather and Moriarty Families Inc Harris, Johnson etc., Rich Mather,

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