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Female Emily Frances Graham Click to view Emily Frances Graham in the family tree

Emily Frances was born in June 1865 in Coryell Co.,Texas.  Emily Frances' father was Isaac Jackson Graham and her mother was Sarah Ann Kinsey.  Her paternal grandparents were Jesse Abner ,Rev. Graham and Martha Jane Fannin. She had six brothers and three sisters, named Thomas Franklin, Alvin C., Felix G., Samuel Wesley, Martin Luther, Aaron, Sarah Jane, Martha Lucinda and Nancy Rosette.  She was the fourth oldest of the ten children.  She died at the age of 66 in 1931 in Gatesville,Coryell Co.,Texas.

Emily Frances' first family with William Thomas Blackstock

They had three sons and three daughters, named Felix O., Ray, Roy, Ada, Leonora C. and Myrtle B..

Emily Frances' second family with James T. Webb

Sources/Citations, Ingram & Related Families, Cal Ingram,,, Acker Family and other Kin, Kerry Acker,

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