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Male Joseph Milton Giles Click to view Joseph Milton Giles in the family tree

Joseph Milton was born on June 17th, 1843.  Joseph Milton's father was Milton Giles and his mother was Mary Ladd Majors.  His maternal grandparents were Noble L. Majors and Mary Bouldin. He had a brother named Noble M..  He was the older of the two children. He had a half-brother and a half-sister, named Joseph Thomas and Louisa Jane.  He died at the age of 63 on February 6th, 1907.

Joseph Milton's family with Margaret Clementine McCowen

‌Joseph Milton and Margaret Clementine were married in a religious ceremony on September 18th, 1866.  They had three sons and seven daughters, named James Milton, Noble M., John Irwin, Mary Elizabeth, Laudie Eldora, Henry Francis, Joe Annie, Rosie Lynn, Lula May and Lillian Janice.

1 Information given by family member
2 Listed Source: Texas Death Cerficate
Further sources/citations:, New Webbs on the Webb April 14, 2001, Steven Neal,,, wheeler gedcom:pg1722,, Descendants of Augustine Herman Bohemiensis from Prague etc. Augustine Herman Bohemiensis, Rechcigl,

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