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Male Thomas Hamilton Endicott Click to view Thomas Hamilton Endicott in the family tree

Thomas Hamilton was born on March 25th, 1856 in Montgomery Co.,Indiana.  Thomas Hamilton's father is William Alexander Endicott and his mother was Sarah Jane DeSpain.  His maternal grandfather was James Simpson DeSpain and his maternal grandmother is Mary A. Roark. He had five brothers and two sisters, named John Milton, Benjamin Franklin, William Harrison, James DeSpain, George Washington, Nancy Ellen and Mary Ann.  He was the fourth oldest of the eight children.  He died at the age of 69 on August 11th, 1925 in Morris Co.,Kansas.

Thomas Hamilton's family with Margaret Annie DeSpain

‌Thomas Hamilton and Margaret Annie were married in a religious ceremony on April 18th, 1885.  They had a son and two daughters, named Frank Leroy, Myrtle Rose and Minnie Ethel.

Source/Citation, Swallow/Thomas031002, Frank Swallow,

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