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Female Nancy Ann DeSpain Click to view Nancy Ann DeSpain in the family tree

Nancy Ann was born in 1862 in Green Co.,Kentucky.  Nancy Ann's father was William Perry DeSpain and her mother was Mary Elizabeth Warren.  Her paternal grandfather was Peter DeSpain and her paternal grandmother is Unknown Possible Granddaughter; her maternal grandparents were Hezekiah Warren and Mary Polly Skaggs. She had six brothers and three sisters, named John William, Lindsey Hezekiah, Elzy Franklin, Alfred Thomas, Alonzo, Ezekiel Z., Mary Susan, Malinda J. and Movenia.  She was the second oldest of the ten children.  She died at the age of 36 on May 4th, 1898.

Nancy Ann's family with George Skaggs

They had a son and a daughter, named Warnie and Mattie.

Source/Citation, Skaggs Ancestors and Related Families, Emmett Leo Skaggs,

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