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Male Dennis Pershing Daniel Click to view Dennis Pershing Daniel in the family tree

Dennis Pershing was born on July 3rd, 1894.  Dennis Pershing's father was Thomas Jefferson Daniel and his mother was Mary Helen Marshall.  His paternal grandparents were William Simmons Daniel and Permintia Wesley Stewart; his maternal grandfather is UNKNOWN Marshall. He had five brothers and two sisters, named Fredrick Eugene, Tommy Leroy, Walter Franklin, Eurecka Marshall, Boss, Winnie Ester and Julie Gray.  He is the fourth youngest of the eight children.

Dennis Pershing's family with Bessie Fulton

‌Dennis Pershing and Bessie were married in a religious ceremony on April 17th, 1921.  They had two sons and a daughter, named Tom Lee, Dennis Pershing and Lois.

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