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Male Charles Lester Avitts Click to view Charles Lester Avitts in the family tree

Charles Lester was born on May 4th, 1905.  Charles Lester's father was William Henry Avitts and his mother was Ann Margaret Keahey.  His maternal grandparents were Archibald Smith Keahey and Martha Elizabeth Robertson. He had four brothers and two sisters, named Luther Anderson, Elzie Smith, Robert Milton, William Henry ,Jr., Lettie May and Agnes Annie.  He is the third youngest of the seven children.

Charles Lester's family with Elvira Abbie Brown

‌Charles Lester and Elvira Abbie were married in a religious ceremony on June 26th, 1926.  They have a daughter named Living.

Sources/Citations, MacKeachey-Dommert-Reade-Stanford, Carlton Dommert,,, 37580, Michelle Compton,

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