Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9FPM-61
Sources: A. Roots 107; RC 144, 241; Kraentzler 1175, 1313; Crusades,Vol 2;
Roots: Isabel de Montlhery.
Crusades chart, Vol. 2, has her the daughter of Bouchard de Montlhery,but
Roots, RC and AF record agree her father was Gui/Guy de Montlhery.
The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
per Marlyn Lewis and other records:
"Elizabeth" (could be Isabel?) if not there is some confusion aboutwhich sister was married to Joscelin
This history is a work in progress. Many researcher's work is incorporated. I will be adding to history as I get it, so check back often.
Let me know via e-mail as to any mistakes or inclusions you might have.
Thank you,
Joanne Wheeler Duncan